Saga server has its own login reward window, not shared with the other toons
Echotun - DT
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Evil Elitist Veteran Wanker ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
-- Make AoC Great Again --
I went through the gate into Tortage and was met with about 20 others at the exact same time! Never seen that before in all my 18 toons.
I'm not sure if this was asked before, but one of the goals was to kill Leviathus.
For Leviathus, is it gated behind completion of Wing 1 and Wing 2, or can we just go straight into Wing 3 and complete this task?
Came back after a while away just to see what this was about. Is it normal to have the item shop pop up after every instance change?