Saga characters will keep the rewards they gain, but you will receive a duplicate claim of each reward to claim on other characters. This will mean that if you choose to claim any given item on your Fury character you can.
No, the weapon is given in the form of a scroll. This scroll will give you a quest based on your class, and this quest will instantly resolve so that you can choose which weapon for your class you want. To allow this, in some cases weapon sets (2 1h weapons, sword/shield) are given in a bag with a detailed description of what it contains.
As this is a PvE focused server we're merging the characters with the server of a similar ruleset.
RF shouldn't be populated enough to be an enjoyable queue experience for the first few weeks, and this gives people some extra time to catch up with people leveling really fast so they can be present for the opening. Since the last saga tier has people going to traditional raids, people should be motivated enough to do those as well. The last saga tier is not completable by killing the RF versions of raid bosses.
The last raid tier tasks you with killing Leviathus, Thoth-Amon, the Bat of Nergal, and Yah-Chieng. Again, RF versions of these bosses won't count.
Raid locking works the same, but we've changed the membership bonus for tokens to give much, much more.
Originally we were going to just leave the Item Shop as is, but we've disabled the T2 PvP cache and T3 PvE cache due to feedback from you guys.
I think most of these questions were answered above. No current plans to put weapon vendors in, but I've gotten a lot of feedback about it and it might be something we do in the future. No promises at this point, though.
There's no direct XP buff, but the fatality buff does provide additional XP and we've changed this so it affects melee fatalities as well. We'll be monitoring progress and feedback on everything, but definitely this specifically.
This is rather experimental, so we want to see how the saga server does to gauge interest. If the server is successful, we'd like to experiment with the formula and change rulesets up a bit. This first saga server is aimed at a more traditional experience, but I would personally love to see more feedback on what people would want to see from saga servers if we're able to do more in the future.![]()