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Thread: Simple question

  1. #1

    Default Simple question

    What days and times are peak for this server ?

    Not looking for it's dead blah blah I know all that just want some diversity during the day. Tried loggin in a couple of different days at different times, but........

  2. #2


    Usually evenings for the most part.

  3. #3


    6pm-2am Eastern Time
    4Pm -12am pacific time
    3AM - 11am Berlin/Rome Time...
    - Httassadar 80 pvp 7 tos tyranny
    - Fatherbinder 80 pvp 7 pom tyranny

  4. #4


    I want to add that when EU is merged to the US, there will be a decent population playing at all times. Their night is our day, our night is their day.
    Nohrin - Stygian Herald of Xolti
    Ubogin - Cimmerian Bear Shaman
    Noxamor - Aquilonian Barbarian

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  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Kogoro View Post
    I want to add that when EU is merged to the US, there will be a decent population playing at all times. Their night is our day, our night is their day.
    Idd, that's the best thing about that merge. Now I will be able to play late nights (EU) and still there gonna be a lot of action.

  6. #6


    I keep reading about this Merge coming going to save everything. How is it going to impact anyone really. Unless you are playing in the 'crossover' time frame, we don't play during the same times.

    I keep trying to get myself to resub but I just keep remembering dead servers.

    Hope I'm wrong, but I just don't see how this helps out either EU or NA server's main pop
    Quote Originally Posted by Nusquam View Post
    You either like the game or you don't. If you are hanging around because you feel like I am stringing you along with false promises, don't.

  7. #7


    There will be cross over times, and our peak time is their down time and vice versa. That means that there should always be a peak time 24/7, so if you play during the day, you will see more people on, when now, it is pretty quiet.
    I don't think we will see a big spike in our current peak time, but more a constant flow of people on all times.

  8. #8


    I'm gonna enjoy about merge, because i'm night person, so i can have people to play with

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