Hey all,

Exciting times! Saga of Zath is now open and we've seen an awesome turnout so far. People are trading blue items, linking bananas in chat, and running lowbie JS. What a time to be alive.

As is to be expected, however, there's a few issues we've identified. We'll work to get these ironed out as quickly as possible. Here's what we know:

  • Group targeting, name display, and group heals seem to be having some trouble. We're on it.
  • Fatality Bonus XP seems to not be awarded properly. Looking into it.
  • Players get stuck after completing "Escape the Keep".
  • Spanish localization on new items may not display properly.
  • Hoard of the Third Raider's in-game description doesn't include Silvered Light of Zath. The mount can drop from the hoard, but the description was incorrect. This has been updated for the shop already, and will be updated for the in-game item in the next patch.
  • Xanthic Armored Death (From the 12-month membership offer) requires Exotic Creature Handling. This requirement will be removed in the next patch.

We'll probably get a patch out for this early next week unless something (or someone?) explodes or catches fire. Thanks all!