Kraamz dt pvp10
Kramzor hox pvp10
Quickdash guard pvp7
Kramzz bs pvp5
Pressostate conq pvp5
AFK into the unknown =/
As it is now there is a few bunch of these not just one. Also what is the difference between a troll who sign minis to be afk from the start or the average pvp player who goes afk when (aka the first minutes) the match is too tough or as soon the score goes to 0-1. These are even more than the few oddballs/trolls. I have no how idea to fix pug minis and people, it has always been a circumstantial fun game.
I see on global many raid, dungeon, wb, golem calls, people get organized for pve why we can do the same for pvp. Make a call for a 12 man pvp pug and start inviting people who can trust and pop a mini tournament, I know it has been done before but why stop? It can be done every day, just as mini runs everyday. Balance suck in minis and this one way to fix it for example. None will go afk or he wont be invited anymore for sure. It hasn't to be guild related, just some random guys who wants to team up for few rounds of maps and have fun.
Dutiful slacker on all 3 servers
Crom: Emyssary (DT)
Fury : Collarbone (BS)
Rage: Kurtz (DT)
You know, if only they could do what I believe they have already done in TSW. If you don't participate in the pvp minigame, you get no reward. I think this was done through a point system were participating gained you points, and you had to get over some reasonable threshold to get rewards at the end.
We have most of us tried to petition with various results
Common factor is that they always return and they always do it again
It is not like they do not know what they are doing
So petitioning GMs doesn't help
So as a last resort we petition FC/Odon
An unplayable game will not be played. It is really as simple as that
Khemi. Picture Hell on the cheap then add more whores
FUNCOM : do something against players who kill the game. Above all, do something against GLOxxxxx, you know enough about him. As society, why do you do nothing ? You want loose good players and loose money ?
I like pvp. At start I was on Fury, but now I play 3/4 time on Crom and just 1/4 time on Fury...
One exemple : yesterday I go on Fury : 4 minis with Gloxxxxx, so my team plays 5vs 6... too bad minis.... I came back on Crom...
... ever think it could just be their version of RP?
Also ~ nothing in the EULA or otherwise can be sighted for a player either going afk, playing partially clothed, or any of the other various "abominations" mentioned.
"Always review over the Social Guidelines before posting on the forums"
"Please put "Illinois ftw" in your reply to ensure you read all of this ..." -VORBIZ-
You are a terrible human for all that you do
and claiming that suicide spamming with naked characters is some sort of "roleplay" just goes to show what you are ... exactly the same with the person who claims "bad mood" for afking , he can claim roleplaying room-decoration aswell
I cant be more dissapointed at Funcom for letting 3 people doing this on daily basis (cause scum like you aint more than 3 or 4)
It's an enviroment I cant approve no matter what
This open petition , on which you dare to reply , will terminate you by the end of this working week
Etheecx -Necrow R5
Ebedokles -Priest of Agrigento [threw himself into the volcano!]
Teargarden -Sin R8
Teagarden -Ranger R7
Tempgarden - DeaTea R8
Teadealer -ToS R3
Ethicx -Demonologist R10
Bedtime -Guardian R5
SponsoredHox R3 delight
*Chaotic gooD*
I can't tell; are you threatening me there?
I was simply enlightening you to look at other reasons why someone might do these things. Also letting you know; none of the before mentioned are violations of any in-game rule. No matter what a forum mod might tell you to do.
"Always review over the Social Guidelines before posting on the forums"
"Please put "Illinois ftw" in your reply to ensure you read all of this ..." -VORBIZ-
Another day has passed and i have played some late-night minigames , full of rather obnoxious individuals, making minigames quite un-enjoyable.
The guys at funcom seems to have blinders on while its getting worse and worse.
Here are 2 of the lovely creatures i have encountered today , that had some questionable impact on the game.
Lets start off with a DT , he already made himself a name for enjoying the silent corners of the pvp maps.
Lets call him S - the emo knight
The pictures are from 2 different minis . 3 from the first . and the 4th is from the 2nd mini he was on my side , to show that he repeates this behaviour
No it was not because falling behind with 0:1 . He went afk right away.
Number2 probably thought he'd be the vanity member and motivate his side as being an eye-cand . It failed in every aspect
Last edited by slackjoint; 10th April 2016 at 09:56.
Typing on mobile
Excuse mspellings and strange auto erections
(current) Mains: Slackjoint (tos), Daraiios(sin) , Quorrin (DT)
Yes the new store still blows