That Leap of Faith is the best . I made the mistake of jumping the first time I did it and going too far - have to do it this way and just sprint off the edge -
EvitoQQ @ YouTube
THE IVORY TOWER - QQ - Schlenkerla/Hersch
Get one conq on top, others die within rez range, conq rez, bingo.
It is the right thread, its is aoclanguage
Get one conq (a conqueror with movement and jumping skills) on top, others (*noobs with no movement and jumping skills) die within rez range (they have to find a way to die where the conqueror can see them, usually he can resurrect everyone he can target - tricky part is the dieing part for some classes and toons^^), conq rez (the conqueror resurrects them and they will awake right beneath him at the top and can try the leap), bingo.
*no offense, me included