So I started playing AoC via Steam just a week or so ago.
At first I had immense difficulty linking my AoC account to my Steam account, for some reason it just wasn't happening. I contacted CS via the webform and within 20 minutes it was sorted. As a first impression of CS from an MMORPG company (some of whom don't have the best reputation) I was thoroughly impressed and totally satisfied.
I started a Bear Shaman, I just love those multifunctional support type classes (Paladin /Shaman in WoW and Captain in LotRO are my other choices) and got on with levelling. After about 10 hours or so I realised I liked almost everything I had encountered in the game so far, and was bowled over by how helpful the player community was in /NPH, so much so that I thought heck, cancel that SWTOR sub and move it across to AoC - and that is what I did.
Now yesterday was a holiday in the UK and I had a few drinks with friends and family and logged in to play AoC around 10:30pm. Around 12:30am, slightly the worse for wear thanks to the alcohol, and quite tired (I had been up since 5:00am) I set to and decided that my Bear Shaman would be the only character I concentrated on until end-game and set about deleting the other handful of lowbie Alts I had created to try things out. And then bam, how dumb do I feel, I accidentally deleted my main.
To say I was mad at myself is an understatement and I was truly horrified what I had done. So I logged in to an Alt and asked in /NPH if FunCom offered a character recovery service, a few helpful people told me to /Petition and that is what I did, a couple of them mentioned that it may take a few days to get sorted, so I have spent today mooching around on Alt after Alt and feeling quite lost that they are not my Bear Shaman. To be honest I was fairly convinced that if I couldn't get my BS recovered I would probably just not bother playing.
I have just logged in and my BS has been restored, and so has some of my dented faith in the MMO industry.
So a huge thankyou to both FunCom GM's and the AoC playing community.
So far my experiences in this game have been very, very positive.
All The Best