Last edited by Vyky; 10th August 2015 at 20:59.
Vykthor (Barb) - Vykthorya (Demo) - Vyko (Guard) - Vyky (Pom)
"No Fear! No Limits! No Equal!" / SENNA /
Palace of Cetriss preview footage from Testlive
Guild 'House Jade Asp' - PvE server
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Evil Elitist Veteran Wanker ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
-- Make AoC Great Again --
Not sure what you are trying to say. Palace of Cetriss is T6. It has been confirmed that T6 raid gear will have a higher stat budget than T5. It's also been said that there were 4 armor skins, so I'm assuming 1 each for rogue/mage/priest/soldier but all 12 classes will have stat specific gear, just the visuals for your archetype will be same, i.e. necro and hox gear will visually look the same, but necro gear will have necro stats and hox gear have hox stats. They might even add class restrictions, as they did with T5 sets.
Hello Perfect World Entertainement.
Your Storm Field critically healed Officer of the Wolves for 7038.