Option 2 or 3.
The majority of my time in Aoc I spend with PvP and I am currently playing mostly on crom because this is where the population is. Still I think 1 is a no-go as it might scare people away from the game - and this is something we cannot afford!
Ideally, all servers would be merged and you'd have several zones that you could select a pvp instance the way you can choose an epic instance in some of them now.
But I assume that isn't easy to do, else they would have considered it by now.
Regardless, I don't get the angst over the way FC has it set up. So you have open world pvp in a few instances for 7 days out of a month. What's the big deal?
Water is my bubble
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Religolibri (10) Ranger, trying something else
Amtihotep (10) Hox, Using copy paste poss/gen feat
i like the new russians on crom they dont run and fight back and call their buddies for reinforcements for ce lullifub.
i vote rename ce crimea and double pvp xp for killing russians <3
Why on earth would funcom make a pve server pvp enabled for 1 week a month. Even if just in one zone. It is a horrible idea.
its awesome idea actualy, people wont be able to farm new tier4 pvp gear and in all servers you get 1 week of pure pvp mayhem world events, needs some tweaks ofc but especialy given boder kingdoms are a tabu black hole wich may never be touched by developer lest it become a singularity event wich will sink all existence into same dimemtional hole where cthulhu awaits dead but dreaming
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn