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Thread: Drunken Brawling

  1. #1

    Default Drunken Brawling

    What ever happened to this?

  2. #2


    Never got put into the game in the first place. Basically yet another broken promise made by Gaute during the development of the game.
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    Ikoim (80 Conq)
    Hazakahn (80 ToSspot)
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    A horde of other alts...

  3. #3


    another of the 100 funcom's broken promises

  4. #4


    I'd like to hear the devs about this.
    Water is my bubble
    __________________________________________________ ____
    Religolibri (10) Ranger, trying something else
    Amtihotep (10) Hox, Using copy paste poss/gen feat

  5. #5


    Chances are, it didn't even start to be developed. Like hub city sieges, PvE sieges, mercenary system, etc.

    They just talked about all this stuff, but didn't code a single line of anything.

    Just hyping it up.

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