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Thread: custom chat

  1. #1

    Default custom chat

    is there a way to create a custom chat channel ?

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by XaatXuun View Post
    is there a way to create a custom chat channel ?
    Nope. Which is damn sad, as the chatsystem in AoC is a derivative of the system used in Anarchy Online, where custom chat-channels are possible.

    As to why they decided to dump that part of the system is beyond comprehension, as it's damn useful if you have an alliance of guilds that want/need to share an ingame way of communicating, plus the added bonuses it gives chatbot-owners (guest-channels for guilds etc).
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  3. #3


    Alrighty . . that means (in a good way) I'm have not totally lost it. and forgot how to create a custom chat.

    oh and I also forgotten about using guildbots, hmm been a while since I've played AO, only been updating the patching for the past year (yeah weird, I keep it updated but don't play), So the bots are of no use too ?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by XaatXuun View Post
    Alrighty . . that means (in a good way) I'm have not totally lost it. and forgot how to create a custom chat.

    oh and I also forgotten about using guildbots, hmm been a while since I've played AO, only been updating the patching for the past year (yeah weird, I keep it updated but don't play), So the bots are of no use too ?
    Bots (at least BeBot) are useful for guilds due to the added functionality they can give you (Logon/logoff-anouncement AA-timers, Item-lookup, Raid/dungeon-lockouts etc), but that's about it. I ran a couple of guildbots a few years back, but they are not by a longshot as versatile as back in AO.

    The issue with no custom chat-channels has bugged me ever since I picked up AoC back in 2008. I still remember the versatility that you could get from a chatbot in AO, especially in terms of guildchat-linking between two guilds, the ability to have an Alliance-channel (Backyard 4 Alliance ftw ) and such things. Seriously wish Funcom would introduce the added functionality from AO's chatsystem, which cannot be too hard due to the two systems sharing codebase.

    And no, you're not weird in having AO on your system without playing it :P I had it sitting on my disks for something like 4 years after I left the game back in 2006/2007. It took a complete diskcrash to get rid of it, and I still want to reinstall it just in case I'll ever play it again (which I most likely will, if FC gets around to finishing the new graphics engine for the game).
    Battleaxe Brain Surgeons Rides Again!

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