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Thread: Warhammer goes F2P

  1. #1

    Default Warhammer goes F2P

    Warhammer is now completely F2P and there are NPC's to give out free gear and levels before the game shuts down in December.

    You need to have created a Warhammer account before October 31st.

    Could give some bored AoC players something to do for awhile.
    Last edited by Picklejuice1; 3rd November 2013 at 22:22.

  2. #2


    WAR was terrible. It's not even worth the time to download the game. It is just a WoW clown with a focus on large scale, boring, combat made up of mostly NPC's.

    I have even more disgust for the game since it hardly resembles anything of the tabletop game minus some character looks and names. The lore is completely off and if you did not know it was a Warhammer game you would just think it's a WoW expansion.

    I am glad that the 40k version got dumped before it started, there is no way it could have been good.
    Doomsayer 2008

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Picklejuice1 View Post
    Warhammer is now completely F2P
    F2P does not mean what you think it means.

  4. #4


    well, it won´t matter in a month or two anyway, so move on, nothing to see here..
    aka Morte.. Morce.. Morte.. Morce again.. bah, whatever..

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Argantes View Post
    well, it won´t matter in a month or two anyway, so move on, nothing to see here..
    What's your point? AoC will eventually shut down and all your hard work here will be erased - same with World of Warcraft, and other mmo's.

  6. #6


    Damn shame. I loved that game. Played it from launch for couple of years. Some of the most fun I've had in an online game. While I haven't played it in what feels like ages, I am still very sad to see it go.


  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Picklejuice1 View Post
    What's your point? AoC will eventually shut down and all your hard work here will be erased - same with World of Warcraft, and other mmo's.
    of course, but neither AoC, WoW and other mmo´s gonna shut down within the very next month.. I guess
    aka Morte.. Morce.. Morte.. Morce again.. bah, whatever..

  8. #8


    Only good things this trainwreck had were:

    The setting-well Herp Derp.
    The writing-it had some really touching quests and the story was written well enough. I recently found out that besides Chris(Wraight) and Mike(Lee) they also had C.L(Werner). It would explain quite a lot actually.
    The art-some were rather dismayed at the lack of gore, but That's not what defines Warhammer anyhow. The grittyness/deadlyness is. The fact that you as a mighty Witch hunter could be killed by a wolf is what I am talking about. And they pulled this off PERFECTLY. Not to mention the looks that were spot on most of the time.
    The tome of knowledge(ToK)-now this was a brilliant idea at carrie's. Nice job!
    The Public quests(the idea)-the implementation was LOL wrong, but you do have to admit the fact that it DID pave the way for the future(GW 2, ESO, EQNext, Pathfinder online, who knows what else...).

    The rest of game is pure and utter garbage and should be forgotten ASAP! Path of Khaine on a High Elf class(Swordmaster no less lol!), no stealth/acrobatics on shadow warrior, Witch hunters/elves who are hiding, parts of world which don't actually exist(the piece of land connecting Nordland and Norsca), bugs, devs ignoring players, ripoffs, ...

    Just die already! We(WHFRP players) want a good representation of our beloved franchise dam it! How hard can it be? >.<

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