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Thread: Why can't I post anywhere else but here?

  1. #1

    Default Why can't I post anywhere else but here?

    Basically, what the name says. I can't post anything anywhere else. Is there some minimum post number(5 or whatever) which you need to pass before you can open topics and such?

  2. #2

  3. #3


    So I am supposed to be able to post a thread on "Classes" subforum(I take it that means "Conqueror"/"DT" etc sub-subforums etc). Or is it that I can't post actual threads, but can only post?

    Anyhow, I still think this segregation(because that is what this is called) is...pointless. And it's only going to inhibit people like me, with valid questions, from posting them. Gold Sellers are still going to infest the forums(can't really stop them).

    Neh, heavy handed approach is seldom the right one...

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Nehkur View Post
    So I am supposed to be able to post a thread on "Classes" subforum(I take it that means "Conqueror"/"DT" etc sub-subforums etc). Or is it that I can't post actual threads, but can only post?

    Anyhow, I still think this segregation(because that is what this is called) is...pointless. And it's only going to inhibit people like me, with valid questions, from posting them. Gold Sellers are still going to infest the forums(can't really stop them).

    Neh, heavy handed approach is seldom the right one...
    There aren't any gold sellers on the forums, and it's been common practice on MMORPG forums to only allow subscribed players to post forever - it's only recently with mass F2P conversions that anything else has become the norm. You'll probably get just as good answers on the F2P forums anyhow; I expect most active forum posters use the "New Posts" tab anyways.

  5. #5

    Default Silenced

    They just do not want to hear QQ of why we are no longer paying customers, we might scare off the kiddies, so we are segregated and hidden away were no one will hear us. Surely they do not think we would re-up just to have a voice on the forums.

    You would think those of us who have been playing since launch, and actually were paying customers for the first four years or so would continue to have the privilege regardless...
    Did you realize that if you are not "logged in" you can't even see the F2P portion of the forums? First time, I thought they had finally silenced us for good.

    I keep hoping that someday they will finally deliver unchained minis. I would seriously be willing to re-up and pay for that! Instead they probably are working on the crafting revamp that no one asked for and no one cares about.

  6. #6


    It is useless, pointless and counterproductive in terms of revenue, but it is their policy and you have to respect it (or not).

  7. #7


    It's Funcom's somewhat ass-backwards way of placing so many limitations on you that you'll end up with a choice between being so annoyed that you leave, or loving the game so much despite it's many flaws that you end up subscribing. If you distill the entire F2P-program into it's raw specifics, that's what you'll end up with.

    And to be honest, it works. It's idiotic but works.
    Battleaxe Brain Surgeons Rides Again!

    Wharrgharbl (80 Axemurdering maniac Barb)
    Ikoim (80 Conq)
    Hazakahn (80 ToSspot)
    Kegh (80 Beer Shaman)
    Vachir (80 Guardian)
    Mivat (80 Necromancer)
    A horde of other alts...

  8. #8


    If you want to experience the true Unchained AoC and all the perks you need to sub up. If you want to play for free you need to take what is offered, or not.

  9. #9


    Btw, I am all for the mid option in all the Freemiums. The option for all the people that bought the box or subbed before(like me). It could be sth like full social integration, 4 char slots and various leveling difficulties that'd be alleviated.

    I mean, I am pretty sure that this option USED to be a part of a Freemium package. But Hey! I guess that gr33d had won and therefore the decisions on the dev side were made and so we are where we are currently(sadly)...

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