Some have noted the fact that group NPCs are no longer quite so easy after today's patch. However, I've noticed there is some confusion about "scaling" or the reason for this so I figured I would clarify it.

Basically, at this point, group NPCs have a certain amount of "heroic defense rating" and "heroic attack rating" that players can also get. The functionality of this stat is to "counter" opposing attack and defensive ratings which are higher than what the player or NPC may currently have.

What this means in the case of group NPCs is that higher-level players will no longer deal double damage and take half damage from group NPCs due to the base attack/defense rating difference. Basically, group NPCs will continue to do their normal damage and take normal damage for a longer period of time than non-group NPCs.

There is, however, no "scaling" happening and they are not adjusting dynamically to deal higher damage to higher level players. They will simply continue to perform as they normally would for equal-level players.

I hope that clarifies the adjustment!