classic Iron hide: - one point free to your liking
Mutilation with spirit (+ sun) and stone hide: - three points free, spent best in energybuff, brutal walker, or improved winter, but last option is debatable cause there's already forest + spirit + sun to use, so if you favor spirit, and very rarely put down winter brutal walker will be the winner imo.
Mutilation with max damage and improved winter and stone hide: - hard one to crack, but 1 sec duration loss on stun isn't the biggest loss.
Mutilation without stone hide, buffed manifestations and stunrange, max damage: - one point free, use this if you're having a hard time to make use of stone hide. I've seen too many bears unable to use it well :P
typical Rampage + Booming roar: - here you see I put points in endurance of the bear, which is a decent feat. but the points here and in untamed can be allocated elsewhere (energy buff or weight of the world) This goes for all builds when possible.
double endfeat + deft renewal (change for untamed strikes if no use in group) + regrowth : - rather niche, only when you have dex users or barb using evade perk to stack with deft renewal. very frustrating to spec since you're so close stone hide, so it's either 10 deflect or 5% weapon damage, but either way the build works for the supporter role
ultra support: - perk in crit bigheal, and you'll recieve more heal compliments than you'd imagine. sun can be changed for regrowth, but since you're already gimped in damage so much, I'd rather go sun and maybe you'll do some nice hits after all.
ultra survivable healbot: - yeah, you're starting to get the idea. but mind you, you're missing both Forest debuff, and now the companion spirit, so it comes at a cost.
Sorry for all the mutilation variations, but it's really hard to choose. ok