Nevermind ...
I was hoping someone would post here.
Is it possible to get a half arse spec to land a kill or two with s&b? I just like the s&b better, eventually pole is the way to go of course, but I prefer a challenge. Can someone help out?
Not really, there isn't really an efficient build. You can hope to get some decent critical hits using Power House in tandem with Guard Destroyer and a crit pot, and see what CW and Overreach do, but why. You will lose out all the damage from Polearm Reckoning, and the damage CW allows from it's Reckoning in S&B is laughable.
Doomsayer 2008
There are only a few thing in Juggy that are worth putting points into and are fun to play around with in pvp, those are stunning charge, stand your ground, and battle cry.Dont try it unless you are very comfortable with swapping weapons on the go. Then of course feating rest of your points in Tempest tree. Brutal overreach only affects S&B combos and is kind of sill to do in pvp. Powerhouse is amazing, but not worth the points spent.
An effective and fun build (that is still mainly polearm) is hybrid like this : I always used PI with this spec (very useful instant CC + a little extra instant burst)
This is actually my main spec nowadays, for premades (I mean when they were still happening) as well. The extra survivability from general with a regular spec is nice but with the gear and AA I have I feel it's worth losing that to get a shitload of extra utility (ccs, more charges with a shorter CD, group-wide damage buff, group-wide anti kb...). Losing the extra frenzy damage used to be a big deal when it had a magical damage modifier, but not anymore. Cunning deflection is the only thing I really miss with this spec. Well that and the reduced penalty on frenzy of course, if you get caught in frenzy with this spec you're toast(as it should be for any tank class...)
Now if you really wanna go s&s I hope you have some decent gear and AA and can land 1h combos. Here's my latest and most effective spec : CW+deliberate as last perks are mandatory, since CW is s&s main source of damage and deliberate can hurt too.
I use decisive + precise strikes instead of pressing although either works. I just felt that having armour penetration with s&s is nice, it's a little extra damage and it's permanent (unlike crits). But the big crits with pressing are nice too, hard to say what's best. I also like using precise with my pole spec and on my BS for that matter.
Expert Shield of the Risen opener.
Thanks for the comments, I know it might be a waste to spec ss but just wanted to try it anyhow.
You can get a pretty nice damage burst, but only once and a while, no sustained damageI did some testing on TL back when they changed some stuff. Here is the result
If i didnt use strike and guard he would die even faster
I try to play juggernaut pvp, you can do couple of kill in mini.
My max was 9-0 in hv with sword & shield.
Mostly it's a 1-0 5-0
The problem is it's really easy to kyte you...
For me you're not a damage dealer with this build... but you're a pain in a... with all the cc and anti-cc.
and you're a wall ! nearly impossible to kill if you have a heal with you. And you can beat dt in 1v1
My build :
I play with stall the advance or the interrupt.