Does anyone know of a working version of the Plagued UI?
If you find any version of this UI, I can most probably update it for you
<~~~~~STRANGE UI 2016 2.6~~~~~>
That is a very generous offer. I have the archive for the PlaguedUI_Revived (from 2013 I believe), which I think is the latest version. Right now the only problem I have seen is that the mod breaks the Feat window (button N), it simply will not open.
If you are willing to do this, how should I get the files to you? You can PM me here if you like.
Here you are:
Plagued and King UI updated
I did nothing fancy, just updated the top bar so that it is fully functional.
<~~~~~STRANGE UI 2016 2.6~~~~~>
I still use plagued UI. Ive tried others but this is still my fav. Just sayin.
Thanks for the work you put into this UI, MisterClean. Is there anyway the Plagued (or both themes) could be made to match the size of the StrangedUI "Big" theme? I find the StrangeUI Big theme to be the perfect scale for 4k.
It is doable.
However, I'd prefer if you picked one option, so that it is less work for me
<~~~~~STRANGE UI 2016 2.6~~~~~>
Plagued 3B version.