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Thread: Old Demonologist Player, curious and has inquiries.

  1. #1

    Default Old Demonologist Player, curious and has inquiries.

    Hello all.

    I played AoC very actively a few years ago. During this time, AA were the new thing and the Khitai expansion had come about. (Something I will not have access to, as I'm not going premium, nor subscribing.) Back when I played, Gold was still capped at 2 Gold for F2P players, as well as 2 character slots per level.

    My gear was a full set of necro culture gear (or it was partial necro, partial demo...I don't remember). I also had a lumerian firestick. I had reached level 80. My build was a havoc/conflag hybrid, with a bit more emphasis in havoc, due to the power of it's shockblast. I remember having pact of earth walking dread...whichever one allows for your pet to heal and do more damage.

    Time has gone on, and I understand that some changes have been made. I play for fun, and I'm namely a PvE player. I also have a relatively solo playstyle, though I do squad when I need it, or to help others.

    I would like to know what has changed in my absence from the game, if my build is still a viable one and one that will allow me to survive and attack well in pvp, if any demonologist skills have been altered, or if the class itself has been changed any. I would also like to know if my gear is still sufficient. (Necro culture + Lumerian firestick. I don't remember the names of the rings and cape sadly.) Any other information that you may wish to provide would be helpful also. (Again, the odds of me subbing or buying the expansion are really low...I know it has a great many advantages, but that's not the path I'm going.) I just want to see how far I can get as a F2P player. Also, if there are any more means of making gold or any additional dailies, please let me know.

    Thank you in advance for any answers, and for taking the time to read this. Have a wonderful day all.

  2. #2


    You might want to go on either or to make your build and post it here. It would help other to comment your build with way more ease than by vague description. Also, what AA did you get before leaving the game, and so on.

    For the rest, well, what's new ? Gold limit for F2P players have been increased. There's now one week every month where a World Boss spawn, and reward goodies, including T1-T2 raid gear, whioch might come in handy. There's now also PVP monthly event on Crom and more regular on PVP server. The new achievement system will make you revisit old places, so it's nice, especially if you have left the game for a while. Many classes changed (some a bit, other more deeply), but I can't remember huge change for Demo. That said, I'm not a very demo player, so there's shittons of player who will give better advice than me on that part.

    Ho, and Lemurian Firestick is still a decent first choice when you hit 80.
    Fun fact : Not actually the same guy as the player named "Jaedelyia" in-game. Never though I would one day encounter a guy with the same nickname as this one.

  3. #3


    Thank you for your reply.

    I have no AA perks. I've never subbed before. (Life of a working college student, who's supporting himself. Lol.)

    I'll try to post my build when I log in. (I was doing it off of memory, and hoping that was enough. Lol. (Knew better, but was hoping it was descriptive enough. Lol.) But I will use that tool to show my build later today as time allows. (Though it will be much later today, as I have to head over to the university today.)

    If you could please elaborate some more on the new events, I would appreciate it.

    Good to know that the Lemurian Firestick is still a viable weapon. Is my culture armor still good also?

    Thank you for your reply once more, and thank you to anyone else that replies to this thread as well. As always, have a wonderful and blessed day.

  4. #4


    The good old hybrid with Pact of Earth Walking, Detonation and Combustion is still the most viable template. Those three are key feats, and the tree can be customized depending on if you want to use Fires of Gehenna or Shockstrikes as main nuke. Also the extra stun and knockback might be attractive since you run around in blue gear.

    You could give this a try, made with a focus on crowd controls and buffed Shockblast aoe. Combustion makes Hellfire Stream instant cast, and Detonation is instant cast too - thus making it an "instant" aoe knockback spell.

    Drop Agonizing Fiery Torment and Overloaded Shockblast, put them into Demon Heart of Chatha and Overload if you need more mana.

  5. #5


    You need nothing else, you're as maxed as possible (you could get some dungeon/raid stuff but nothing that'd really make a difference). You also have nowhere to go, Atzel/Kheshatta/Commons/T1 raiding is the end of the line.

    I'd say you restart with another class because that one is completed. Unless you start buying stuff.

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