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Thread: Strange UI 2016

  1. #641


    Quote Originally Posted by MisterClean View Post
    The only solution I see is to create flash target's target. Which I have no idea how to do.
    It is easy, if just it was working as intended. Target's target in Flash has been bugged from the beginning, it returns your target instead and was fixed for TSW. Several requests over the past 2 years to Funcom's Flash developer Glaucon, has led to nothing. Despite having a good conversation on the topic with him and a promise of it being looked into, nothing has been done to fix it in AOC.
    Last edited by Foxcat; 23rd January 2017 at 16:14.

  2. #642


    Aoc..buggy? Hehe

    By the way, I was thinking about something. Aoc.exe has the ability to temporarily rewrite the pref files right?
    If so, is there a way to use this in order to set targets target position and maybe lock it just like the castbar you created?

  3. #643


    Quote Originally Posted by MisterClean View Post
    Aoc..buggy? Hehe

    By the way, I was thinking about something. Aoc.exe has the ability to temporarily rewrite the pref files right?
    If so, is there a way to use this in order to set targets target position and maybe lock it just like the castbar you created?
    I can read and write the position, and restore it to a certain position, but it would still catch the mouse during gameplay.

  4. #644


    Quote Originally Posted by Foxcat View Post
    I can read and write the position, and restore it to a certain position, but it would still catch the mouse during gameplay.
    could you do this to change the pop up postion of the raid finder window?

  5. #645


    Quote Originally Posted by xxevinityxx View Post
    could you do this to change the pop up postion of the raid finder window?
    It is possible, despite the groupfinder having its initial position hardcoded to the middle of your screen and not storing its position in the preference files. But this isn't the thread for it.
    Last edited by Foxcat; 24th January 2017 at 11:12.

  6. #646


    Is there a way to test Sweet FX without having done this stage before the installation of the mod :

    "-!NEW! Wanna try SweetFX ? Open Strange and delete AOCUIInstaller.xml "

    Thank you.

  7. #647


    Of course

    Open, you will find a folder named SWEETFX.
    Juste extract its content to your game directory (example C:/Program files/Funcom/Age of Conan/)

    Edit: I've tried to move the mail and select instance button out of the minimap, as requested, but it seems the latter won't work. Sorry guys. I'll keep looking.
    Last edited by MisterClean; 27th January 2017 at 22:48.

  8. #648


    Update February 2017 v2.62

    -Fix: Classic group buffs doesn't expend the dark background anymore.
    -Tweak: Classic group buffs creates another line of buffs if you reach 10 of them.
    -Tweak: Lurvi's textcolors. The classic Orange used everywhere in game is now a tiny bit paler.
    -Tweak: Lurvi's bottombars are a bit lower and there is less space between left portrait and the bottombars. Also, the portraits names nos use the Hyboriansmall font instead of hyborianlarge.
    -Addon: thanks to the allmighty Foxcat, RF window now saves its position.
    -Addon: Maybe something else

    Note that V2.5 which works without aoc.exe is still available in the second post

  9. #649


    Edit by Anzu: There's a French forum in which you can speak french.
    Last edited by Anzu; 8th February 2017 at 18:18.
    Pouf of Mitra

  10. #650


    Nice job, good ui

    The flash cast bar via aoc.exe doesn't work correctly. I have reinstall several time Strange and that hasn't resolved my probleme. My cast bar is hidden, despite as run administrator aoc.exe and is activated.

    Windows 10 x64
    Last edited by iempire; 11th February 2017 at 08:18.

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