I finally went to Ardashir yesterday to get this, and the bat now has a vendor price of 2 tin. If there was another reward for picking it up, it did not show in the General dialog box where it normally should.
I also picked up "the other fleshy club" in Ymir's Pass, and it too is valued at 2 tin. This is a bit confusing, as the "souvenir" in Khopshef was worth 15 silver. Is this a bug, or has Funcom devalued these items?
Rogue Angels Guild Leader and Progression Raid Leader
Tmanku 80 Guard | Tmanil 80 ToS | Tmanosu 80 DT | Tmanbank 80 BS | Tmanfu 80 Demo | Tmanwu 80 Ranger | Tmanpope 80 PoM | Tmanpointy 80 Sin | Tmanbarb 80 Barb | Tmanfire 80 HoX | Tmannecro 80 Necro | Tmanblade 80 Conq | Tmanlite 80 Guard | Tmantosjr 80 Tos | Tmandemojr 80 Demo | Tmanthethird Saga Guard
A good many panorama videos that show you how to get there and where to start can be found on this youtube channel for Charayne Mahees. You should add this link to your list.
hi guys, what is that pls nobody have info ??? Not as easy as it sounds Humble Beggar (title) 50 ?
" The only matter I do not take seriously, boy, is you.
Your politics bore me. Your demeanor is that of a pouty child.
And apparently, you have alienated my favourite game, conan.
I will honour our agreement fool, if you bring me that i have asked you.
But if you return to me empty handed again... I will bathe the starways in your blood."
Please help with Turan quest "The Insidious General". I can't to find this quest.
What NPC gives it (coordinates) and what needs to be done?
It is the very last quest from all zones for me. But I can't independently find it![]()
Kattas - 10.PvP, full T6 and full AA demo
Someone else asked earlier in the year:
So I have done every quest I could find in Turan (Including DMH, Iron Statues, fort and 3.5).
But I can't seem to find "The Insidious General" and "Bittersweet Revenge".
Any ideas?
EDIT: Well. I found the Insidious General quest. Turns out that I needed to speak to the guard at the fort entrance to start a chain of quests.
As for the "Bittersweet Revenge", I have no idea.
Hopefully thats the answer there for you![]()