Thank you very much, netercol!![]()
I updated the site.
Thank you very much, netercol!![]()
I updated the site.
bat of nergal, aka "blunt weapon" for excavator achievement..
at 320/685 turan.. you have to use the ladder to leap of faith then jump down from second ladder
this one was nightmare to find... reward is 5 gold ^^
This thread and that awesome website helped me a lot too, so, i will give you a little gift.
Last Excavator Item
I m pretty bad trying to explain stuffs in english, so, a little video.
Last edited by SYNAP; 14th May 2015 at 21:22.
I have treasure 8 missing in Dragon's Spine, check Joar's site and coordinates point to desert part near oásis but i cant reach it, become worm lunch! any tips?
Fun fact : Not actually the same guy as the player named "Jaedelyia" in-game. Never though I would one day encounter a guy with the same nickname as this one.
Nobody found the missing treasure in Atzel´s yet ?
Honk if you love Brian
Anyone got their map xml files updated with all these markers that they can share?
Anyone feel free to post locations for new Vanaheim treasures/leap of faith/Targets of interest etc.
I found some treasures yesterday and marked them on the map..but it looks like the map cant be opened until i get back into CV night mode.
The last missing (locked!) treasure box at Atzel: 739/784 (climbing point 739/788) BUT it needs a key and i did not found it! The Box is in a house behind atzels fortress. There is a ladder (left hand) you can NOT Click! You have to use "U" wenn the climbing point is in your target. The problem is to find the key. I did not! But the fact, that you can't climb the ladder the "normal way", could be an indication for a bug??