Seeing all these coordinates it would be soo helpful having them ingame as marks on the maps.
And that preferably without having to transfer them manually from web pages and forums post onto the maps ingame.
Btw, these map marks you can make ingame, are saved in XML files per map on your hard drive.
In order to find out which file belongs to which map just put a mark with the name of the region on each ingame and leave the game.
Locate the directory where these XML files are (not much harder to do than searching a treasure chest ingame) and view them with notepad or an XML editor.
The mark you made ingame tells you which regions map marks you are looking at and also shows you how the structure for a mark has to be in the XML file.
(Of course you make a backup of the files before you edit them so you can rollback, if you busted the XML syntax.)
It is possible, including more or less editing, to copy/paste coordinates plus a meaningful description into these files.
I tested it a while ago when I was doing the shrines and it works like charm.
Files can be up- and downloaded
