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Yes, burst is very high in PvP, but in PvE burst doesn't really matter as long as you don't take aggro - there aren't many places were burst damage is better than sustained damage, only a few situations were dealing with adds quickly really matters. IF a tempest dps buff were to happen, I'd prefer it to be one that keeps with the "feel" of tempest already - that is, big ****ing crits. Almost every dps class relies heavily on their dot to do good dps in this game (burn to death, bloodbath, slow death strike, necro dots, to a lesser extent jagged cut) and those that don't still have much of their dps consist of many small hits/procs/multi-hit channels (tos with stormfield/crown/coils, pom with condemnation/cleansing, DTs with all their crap proccing, barbs with very long combos like upheaval). To me, it's very refreshing to have a class that somewhat differs from this.
There are ways to allow burst in pve without making it op in pvp. For example, there could be an end feat that gives you an exaggerated version of the frenzy stance - say it gives you twice the weapon damage increase of frenzy stance, but you can't switch out of it as quickly, the negative effects linger on for 10-20 seconds. These effects might be a 100% chance to get staggered, or 50% hindered movement, any damage from a player knockbacks or stuns you, 100% chance to get critted by another player or something like that. Obviously these are just random ideas, but I'd prefer big combo damage over, say, a big buff to Intimidating Shout or something.