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Thread: The Hive Mind Quest

  1. #1

    Default The Hive Mind Quest

    help I can not take the quest "The Hive Mind" in khopesh that allows me to get the quest "Breaking Spell" in Black Castle
    I went on the official wiki
    Quest: The Hive Mind

    Quest Starts At Cthhrakl
    Quest Ends At Thrrkal
    Minimum Level?

    Objective / s • Find and speak with the Mantis Chieftain

    Reward 5487

    Leads To Breaking the Spell
    I found Cthhrakl but he not give to me any quest (I am now level 42) What I'm wrong? plz help

  2. #2


    It is a chain quest, and it can be done at level 27.

    You have to do the following quests in Khopshepf Province before talking to the hive leader:
    1. the boy's (I think his name is Ptah) in the southwest;
    2. Mencar the Apprentice's in the south (there are several quests from him, 2 or 3);
    3. the man's at the entrance from Khemi (I think his name is Captain Menes: you can locate him by walking to the east from the yellow dot in the northwest).
    4. I think it was Cthhrakl's too (southwest, near the boy (to the north of the boy)).
    5. Once you do those, you can go to the hive leader (Mantis Chieftain) in the south and either accept his quest or reject it.
    6. If you choose to reject his quest, you have to talk to the guy from point 3.
    4a. I forgot Semira in the north! Thanks, Joxli.

    Depending on whether you have rejected or accepted it, you will have a different selection of weapons.

    Accepted: Hive weapons;

    Rejected: Subjugator weapons.
    Last edited by LunaticAsylumLA; 22nd October 2014 at 08:30.
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  3. #3


    1) Mencar (south, mantis hq entrance) - "Life and Death"
    2) Cpt Menes (Bubshur) - "Where Dead Men Wander"
    3) Semira (Pashtun) - "Ending the Threat"
    4) Mencar - "Forbidden Knowledge"
    5) Cthhrakl (croc swamp entrance) - "Reaching Out" The Hive Mind

    Thrrkal - "Breaking the Spell" (wisdom blunt, 1he, 2hb, polearm)
    Mencar - "Usurping the Power" (staff, 2he, 1he, daggers)

    Take quest from Mencar and Cpt Menes, go to Pashtun talk to Semira she will send you to find Journal, the boss that drops it has very long respawn timer (about 15 minutes) while you wait for it collect breath of breathless for Mencar. When you got the Journal go back to Semira, she will read the journal and tell you to go kill the lich Sektep. After this go hand in the 12 breath of breathless to Mencar and tell him about the lich Sektep, then you get new quest from him Forbidden Knowledge, which takes you back to Pashtun. Steal a Codex from same place where Sektep is, and deliver it to Mencar. Now you can talk to the mantis Cthhrakl, he will send you to his boss Thrrkal. There you can take his quest or go to Mencar and take his, different rewards same task.
    Johara / Shimi / Joxli - Tainted Souls - Crom
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  4. #4

  5. #5


    You can't free the mantismen and give control to Mencar. It's gonna be one or the other for a given toon. There are very few other such exclusive quests.

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