Since we have some really outdated suggestions in the previous thread, we decided to archive the old thread and start a new one. (the old one can be accessed here)
This thread has some rules. If your post doesn't adhere to the rules, it will be moderated, deleted, or moved. This topic will be moderated so that we keep the appropriate format for ideas, and so that we keep this thread clean of debris.
If you are not sure how to categorize your suggestion, please contact a moderator or CM Team member via private message.
As with the tech forums, you really need to search to see if the idea you have has been posted about yet. Saying "I don't know if this has been posted yet" is a great way to show us that you didn't search.
Suggestions need to be SHORT and PRECISE.
Each and any suggestion is welcome, as long as they stay on topic. You should know that Off-Topic discussion goes here. If you're not sure if it's on topic or not.... it's not.
Discussions about other player's suggestions in this thread are not helpful, and will be moved or deleted. If you really like their idea, post about it in a new thread. They might need your input on the subject!
To make it easier to read and funnel appropriately, please use the following categories:
Cheating, Exploits, and that kind of discussion does not belong in this thread.
Here's a Good Example of a post:
[Interface] The ingame-text looks like it was made in MS Paint. There should be a better font or some anti-aliasing please.
and a Bad Example:
[The poster before me] iz a *$&#* and &$*@ what they sed [insert class] meanz i cant do nothin like it isnt for [other classes]. So I want you to *&$*@#g fix it NAOW, or I quitz teh intarnetz 4EVAH!
or another Bad Example:
I SUGGESTED STUFF AN U DELETED ITZORS!! [The person who moved/deleted/moderated] my post is a &#^@@!
Remember that suggestions are just that- suggestions. They are written in Jello, not stone.
Thanks for your feedback and help to further improve the game!