Hello there everyone i wouls like to share some ideas to funcom to make for aoc in future updates.

1.I would like if there was in pve server and option like other many games that u can enable or disable the pvp from ur character potrait in open world zones so u can taste the pvp when u want and also protected from griefers when u just wanna do ur quests and not invole in pvp.

2.Add more uis or hud skins for the aoc skill bars make it more beautifull its so sipmle but why not update that.It deserve better ui depend on the class who use it.

3.Make a zone in the map which is very dangerous in howards book ideology and can all have access on it from all the servers so many can do pvp there also

4.Do something about the chat log so some channels are more easily notisable.

Thats my ideas for now if someone else have others just feel free to say them AoC deserves better days am not saying its dead cause its not but IT DESERVE BETTER DAYS.Thanks