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  1. #1




    i would like to make a list of things that would improve the player base for this awesome game:
    If you manage to read this you have all my respect.

    First of all i came back to this game for like 3 months now. I can definatly tell that its hard for a new lvl 80 player to start out atleast on the server rage.
    I know its a pvp server but why bother including Khitai when NO ONE do the instances there. Now let me make a list of things i would recommend to add otherwise this game will fail so bad and maybe it will be dead in a year.
    And before you POST YOUR TROLL COMMENTS, think first, then write. Then think again and then press the post button.
    Don't be a goat head and write stupid crap because no one cares really. It is my point of view as a returning and i dont want to hear things like quit then or player kittie online or what ever.

    Now to the list:

    1. This first tip is for the player side. BE FRIENDLY! Don't be rude. You cannot afford being rude to a new player. By this i don´t mean people who gank because thats okay for me if i get ganked. No problem at all. I dont gank myself. I mean the way some people are to new players is very bad in terms of communication. New players helps keeping this server alive. They are the key for open pvp and ofcourse for the fun part. If you dont agree then stop crying why noone is joining the group finder for pvp. Deal with that.

    2. Bring in an exchange ratio rate maybe 3:1 or something like 1000 MOA for 30 rares) possibility for rare trophies. At the moment grinding rares on rage sucks so hard really makes me almost give up and for sure many new players and i dont want to be forced to transfer to fury as im happy in my guild.

    3. Bring in some kind of group finder for PVP and PVE that actually works. The current pvp finder is buged like hell and i never go in with a group or even try it after doing it twice as it gets exploited alot and i don’t even know how many people actually know this. Anyway im not telling you how this works go figure out yourself.

    4. This tip is especially for all the vets and raiders who think new players wont deserve a chance just because they don't have AA enabled or the expansion (i have AA and the full package)! Don't give up on new players. Don't count them out. They keep the servers alive. If you are not willing to help new players then deal with the fact that they will leave and you will end up beeing alone or this game will close. Fact!

    5. Funcom should make a Tutorial Site for new players on where to do stuff and get stuff ie. like where all the bosses are with tactics and attacks so players can read the strategy. Atm you can really forget this forum and the old one because even though there are alot of guides made by the players themselves what we need is an official Guide made by FUNCOM with all the informations needed and very import and UP TO DATE GUIDE WITH NO BROKEN LINKS. JEEZ this makes me mad each time i click on a link at get to a site telling me 404 etc. A new player gets lost easily, combined with the unfriendly community he or she will quit and play Titan or what ever online game coming out soon. I like the site called aoc is better than tv simply for the fact that this guy made this by himself. FUNCOM you should really thank him for that because he does the job for you. Atleast give him 1 year sub free.

    6. DON'T let people buy the expansion and require them to have PREMIUN in order to visit Khitai or even make use of AA. I mean come on how dumb is that??? You loose players by this and then scratch your head why only 60 - 100 people are online in the primetime ( and thats for the server FURY not rage. On rage its like 60 player no joke). Look at swtor how they did gear progression and f2p model. Yes even there its a grind BUT its not a LIFETIME GRIND and NOT impossible or frustrating at all. It's greatly solved they way they did it.

    7. I was in KK on saturday and you have like mobs every 4 meters. Combined with the debuff you get this is no fun at all. I don’t want to grind with no fun because i have no choice i want to grind because i enjoy to do that but atm they way things goes is really bad. I was even suprised to see that Necro from Killed or be killed questing there. We then had a bit of pvp was fun too but that was the only fun part really. All in one questing in KK is no really fun but the only way atm i see to get the rares at a decent rate.

    8. If i get a tell i always reply ofcourse when im not afk but most of the player base wont even give an answer back although you didn't say anything wrong. I find this terrible and ofcourse its your free will to reply when you want but think about it. Ignoring players by not answering is rude and not nice and keeps players away. Me myself i always help out noobs that ask me for help if i have the time or atleast give a responce. So for all you noobs out there on the server rage feel free to ask for help i will be gladly helping you out to keep you in this game.

    Okay i realise ive written so much now and prob not even half the community will read this as it’s too much of a text which creates headache for most of you  so i wont bother go further. I think the most important thing has been said allready. I might add more later if i get some ideas so thanks for reading and taking your time.

    Rage - Liangxu - Demo

  2. #2


    --------------------- > reserved!
    Rage - Liangxu - Demo

  3. #3



    Als Hirte erlaube mir, zu dienen, mein Vater, Dir.
    Deine Macht reichst Du uns durch Deine Hand,
    diese verbindet uns wie ein heiliges Band.
    Wir waten durch ein Meer von Blut, gib uns dafür Kraft und Mut.
    In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti!

  4. #4

    Default Falsches Forum?

    Verzeih mir die Belehrung, aber ich würde den Post ins Rage Forum schreiben. Oder zumindest im englischen Forum wäre er besser aufgehoben. Da gibt's sogar einen ähnlichen Thread wenn ich richtig gesehen habe, der sich mit dem gleichen Thema befasst.
    Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen, aber schon sehr viele vom Barhocker.

  5. #5


    Allein im deutschen Forum schaut so gut wie keiner, dann wird's im Rage-Forum noch schlimmer sein, oder nicht?

    Erst denken, dann schreiben.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Lethesia View Post
    Erst denken, dann schreiben.
    Das würde man sich von vielen erhoffen und bei dir sieht es wohl mit dem denken und schreiben ganz schlimm aus.

    Also lies dir den Thread nochmal genau durch, Wort für Wort, und dann sag mir, ob er zumindest im Englischen Forum nicht besser aufgehoben wäre, wenn schon nicht im Rage Forum, ( wie ich auch Oben ausdrücklich erwähne). Auch weil ihn dort mehr Leute lesen würden.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lethesia View Post
    Erst denken, dann schreiben.
    Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen, aber schon sehr viele vom Barhocker.

  7. #7


    Dürfen wir jetzt auch auf deutsch ins englishe Forum schreiben oder was soll der Mist hier?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Valus View Post
    Dürfen wir jetzt auch auf deutsch ins englishe Forum schreiben oder was soll der Mist hier?
    Nein dürfen wir nicht so wie ich erfahren habe. /close
    Rage - Liangxu - Demo

  9. #9


    Unfassbar wie bescheuert manche doch echt sind! Nichtmal mehr sowas darf hier geschrieben werden ohne zugeflamed zu werden! Wofür haltet ihr euch denn eigentlich?

    Lasst die leute halt Englisch in nem deutschen Forum schreiben wenn sie das wollen, ist nirgends verboten! Und wem es nicht passt der kann sich ja ver...

    Jetzt wird man sogar schon verflucht wenn man was in ner anderen, weltweiten Sprache schreibt, unfassbar.
    Ich hoffe ihr erstickt nach dem Merge an all dem Englisch das ihr dann an den Kopf geworfen bekommt und deinstalliert das Spiel damit man endlich mal Ruhe vor solchen Pfeifen hat!

  10. #10


    ja ich finde es auch nicht gut das man es nicht darf aber der liebe forum mod Melcom hat mich darauf hingewiesen und ich halte mich einfach daran.

    Rage - Liangxu - Demo

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