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Thread: stats online

  1. #1

    Default stats online

    crossing my fingers that FC took note of an important player base wanting stats in game, id suggest to add the stats online. I could very much imagine players daydreaming of aoc at work and check stats there targeting the next milestone to pass once they get back home. Good opportunity for FC to advertise the hot deal in the cash shop in the process--or anything else to be advertised.

  2. #2


    Would be awesome if this happened. Players have literally been asking for years for more stats. It's probably suggested by nearly half of the people who make pvp suggestions in the suggestion thread
    Usedtissue Necro 10//Emptycan ToS 7//Puggles HoX 6//Ammagaden Guard 5//Trollololo Conq 5//Bottlecap DT 2

    PM me to sign the Minigame buddy sign-up petition: (

  3. #3


    It's not even about "what the players want". Just take a look at the competition. All those games have more stats. It's about keeping up.

  4. #4


    but then if somone sees my kd ill cry and quit the game

  5. #5


    I hate K/d, even if others can't see it. It makes me a bad team player and i see that many others are affected. My K/d is very positive on most of my charrs, but i still want to pvp like i can on my barb-200 deaths and 89 kills. Then i can just blitz, kb and save our flagcarrier instead of sneaking around looking for a lonely demo/necro.

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