To any prospective reader: Sorry folks, this guide has been removed. You're on your own.
To any prospective reader: Sorry folks, this guide has been removed. You're on your own.
Last edited by cins; 2nd February 2018 at 12:21. Reason: because **** you, that's why
Evade/immunity decreses the hitrating of your attacker, not directly but it is done in the same roll.
(attacker level+hitrate vs defender level+evade/immunity)
Critical and critigation are two diffrent rolls, critigation only comes into play if there is a successfull critical roll, there is no stat that decreases the chance of suffering Critical hit. Critigation only mitigates the Critical after it occurs.
(attacker critical roll then if successfull defender critigation roll)
Tenacity stat decreses the critigation chance of your target.
(tenacity vs critigation roll)
I am Stian ingame...
IIRC they've changed it to 75% somewhere in 2009.[is it half? 75%? I don't actually know]
confessions of a keyboard turner / i'm just a fanboy
How's +Weapon Damage working? Is it added to weapons base dps? A toon with a weapon that has 100dps and +10% weapon damage = 110 dps?
The input has been put in.
Tenacity lowers critigation ammount, not chance.
Some info on mob/player shielding would be nice for this thread too. It's a vital part of doing damage as pretty much all melee.
Tapping sideways increases your immunity by 10%, and your evade by 2% per point invested on some pvp general bronze perk.
Tapping backwards increases your evade by 25% (the buff is shorter than the immunity one).
Tapping in any direction with accurate timing will prevent from getting a knockback but it's more an animation glitch than an intended mechanic.
-- Ieronon, QQror --
-- Deutter, holy potato --
Double tapping forward gives you a buff that last about 8s which gives your melee hits a chance to stun for a short period of time
Guide has been updated with defense and debuff info. Probably to prove that I have the most spare time out of all AoC players.