This thing here has flabbergasted me. Why didn't anyone mention I'm doing it wrong? We've had an official quote on unshielded side bonus for years and the lot of you didn't bother to correct it here....
Type: Posts; User: cins; Keyword(s):
This thing here has flabbergasted me. Why didn't anyone mention I'm doing it wrong? We've had an official quote on unshielded side bonus for years and the lot of you didn't bother to correct it here....
Not enough hit.
edit vvv: Missed with 17% bonus hit chance? That can only happen if enemy had an evade buff or hit you with a fizzle debuff as they said below. I probably should add a bit about...
^^^I was so certain those boss heal bubbles said 200 damage deflection...
Guide has been updated with defense and debuff info. Probably to prove that I have the most spare time out of all AoC players.
The input has been put in.
To any prospective reader: Sorry folks, this guide has been removed. You're on your own.