EvitoQQ @ YouTube
THE IVORY TOWER - QQ - Schlenkerla/Hersch
Confirmed : the people working on AoC are part-time since they also work on other projects
Kaleeh PoM - Resolved Guard - Reducia Sin
We've known for a long time now that TSW and AoC share the same dev team.
Short cuts make long delays.
We also knew for a longer time that Cirith was 100% dedicated to AoC, which is Mussagana's new job. As a new dev starting to work on already existing projects means he needs to catch up on what's done, how it's done and then know how to go on from that.. Arena might be a good thing but most imporantly is changes to some t6 encounters and new unchained 6mans and most importantly, slithering chaos done right.
Professional northmen slayer of saga
{Circle of Eternity}
Damn I was not expecting this. So basically the news is they can't write a letter with some news because there is no news beside the news about some arena that will come the in near future which is to be considered a good news as it as vague as it gets.
On other news, most players in this post have been arguing about gear stats and content which probably 5% of the pop is actually playing thinking it is like number one priority while staying completely oblivious on what the future will hold for this game and the fact that the company doesn't seems to care much or give the impression, holding off any communication with the player base.
"Always review over the Social Guidelines before posting on the forums"
"Please put "Illinois ftw" in your reply to ensure you read all of this ..." -VORBIZ-
I wish they would let me work on this, I would fix bugs in this game as a hobby!
Requiem Nex Combat Monitor | Options not Saving temporary Fix
Can Devs please fix:
- new ressurections resetting the currently selected ressurect position
- loot timeout windows disappearing before progress bar completes when box hasn't been opened quickly
ZOMG!!! Near future? That is where I am heading for! See you there!
For everyone that complains about the pace of development: it's been always this way http://aochideout.blogspot.com/2010/...by-funcom.html
It is safe to say that Q1 of 2016 will be without a single update. But hey, AOC cashflow positive so who cares.
I do wish them success with EXILeS ~ if it's using the same art style and atmosphere as AoC, it should be cool.
The genre itself has been saturated and has a few polished games out there already that are now struggling. Adding one THIS late in the game is risky at best. I am definitely curious to see what happens at release.
That genre has never been of interest to me ~ so enjoy.
... the 3 or 4 Guildes that are consistently Raiding would be the only "casualties" if they turned the lights off .... Oh, and the 20 or so PvP'rs left on CROM. Things are getting real thin. More and more I'm seeing the same people in-game where I can recall the encounter with them and often hear people's 1st names being used in voice-chat.
Shame that we're still such a toxic group.
Last edited by Mustaine; 11th March 2016 at 12:40.
"Always review over the Social Guidelines before posting on the forums"
"Please put "Illinois ftw" in your reply to ensure you read all of this ..." -VORBIZ-