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Thread: Black Ring Arch Mage

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Malvoleus View Post
    For the Magus fight, did you remember to take the Black Ring disguise from the box hear the entrance? If you wear it when you approach him there's a brief dialogue where he asks you to bring the ritual dagger, you poison the blade with scorpion venom & use it on him (while still in disguise) then switch to your power chest piece before engaging him in combat. The venom will weaken him for a while making him easier to defeat.
    Wow seriously? I bet 99% of the population never did that, including me...

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Malvoleus View Post
    For the Magus fight, did you remember to take the Black Ring disguise from the box hear the entrance? If you wear it when you approach him there's a brief dialogue where he asks you to bring the ritual dagger, you poison the blade with scorpion venom & use it on him (while still in disguise) then switch to your power chest piece before engaging him in combat. The venom will weaken him for a while making him easier to defeat.
    Yeah, had the disguise and I guess it didn't weaken him enough because he laid me open like a fish.

  3. #13


    If you are a first time alone lvler then maybe your gear is to weak. The destiny quests require a toon geared for his level, or at least it is alot easier.

    As mentoined you can always come back and try again later, if you are 80 then the mobs will be 80, too. If nothing else helps just go on leveling, and when your toon is geared better try again. Your gear should be at your level or -5, and it should fit your class. is all about the snakes

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by ckirmser View Post
    Yeah, had the disguise and I guess it didn't weaken him enough because he laid me open like a fish.
    never thought someone would get stuck at that boss.
    use i eat your heart combo on snakes after you use hellfire breath on them, that way you can kill 2 instead of just one if and only if they are close to each other.

  5. #15


    Well, I have been focusing my attacks on the mage himself. I figure, he's calling the snakes, so he must be more dangerous. Kill him, and no more snakes.

    I'll try focusing on the snakes, but aren't they an unlimited resource? I mean, if I kill one, won't he just call another and another? If he's not killed, I'll just be faced with gobs of snakes, won't I?

    Ah well, I'll see what happens...

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by ckirmser View Post
    Well, I have been focusing my attacks on the mage himself. I figure, he's calling the snakes, so he must be more dangerous. Kill him, and no more snakes.

    I'll try focusing on the snakes, but aren't they an unlimited resource? I mean, if I kill one, won't he just call another and another? If he's not killed, I'll just be faced with gobs of snakes, won't I?

    Ah well, I'll see what happens...
    if i recall right the snakes give some sort of invulnerability buff to boss while they are alive, holding down shift+left click on icons above targets health bar or any item/buff ingame will bring up info window, that way you might loose less time next time you face a new foe in aoc helps you figure out what to do faster to read what the hell those icons mean .

  7. #17


    Well, my dexterity is far less than my character's.

    While I'm fumbling about trying to shift-left click on little icons, my guy will be turned into Conan brand cat food.

    But, that's still good to know.

  8. #18


    Good lordy and bejeebers, I finally killed that sucka an' th' bloody demon down by the waterfall.

    'Course, that was accomplished by going to the Caves and dedicating myself to taking those two out and dying about 12 times, but my HoX did it.


    Given that spells played a HUGE part in taking them out, I don't know if my Ranger could ever succeed.

    Now, I'm checking out Khitai to see if I can find any good drops and see what this faction stuff is all about...

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by ckirmser View Post
    Good lordy and bejeebers, I finally killed that sucka an' th' bloody demon down by the waterfall.

    'Course, that was accomplished by going to the Caves and dedicating myself to taking those two out and dying about 12 times, but my HoX did it.


    Given that spells played a HUGE part in taking them out, I don't know if my Ranger could ever succeed.

    Now, I'm checking out Khitai to see if I can find any good drops and see what this faction stuff is all about...
    Faction in Kitana doesn't really start until level 80.

  10. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Roddam View Post
    Faction in Kitana doesn't really start until level 80.

    Well crud...

    Oh well, maybe I'll find some cool stuff...

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