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Thread: PvP: Shrines of Bori (Idea)

  1. #1

    Default PvP: Shrines of Bori (Idea)

    The Shrines of Bori


    How would you feel about a Bori event ?

    ... ! Put the stones back on the ground and hear me out.
    First : It would be a PvP event, not about winning PvP XP/AA points but about fighting and tactics and groupe coordination.
    Second : It would have some rules Bori doesn't have.
    Third : There would be ennemies on Zone from start to end, and that's already a big diffrence !

    Alright, so everyone knows how Bori works, you dig nodes to get rare mats you sacrifice on altar. Once the altar hits 100% you've done a sacrifice. At 50% of an altar he starts glowing and if you destroy it with pickaxe you win tokens.

    During this event you would have diffrent ways of earning points :
    • 12 points if you manage a sacrifice.
    • 6 points if you destroy a glowing altar with pickaxe.
    • 2 points if you capture a shrine while it's glowing.
    • ... looking for more ideas to count points...

    The main rule would be :
    • Rare mats can't be destroyed

    That way mats would eventually pass along from one groupe to an other and digging would be a minor part of the event. You wouldn't spent 15minuts in T3 hitting nodes without anybody doing anything about it. You loot some, you keep them.

    During the Siege of Brandoc events, the fighting spot is very limited. See the map. It's fun but not much variety of terrain.
    What i've always liked with Bori fights is using the environnment. Don't get cornered on a rez pad when you are outnumbered, change to an other one, regroupe somewhere the terrain can be used at your advantage and lure the angry diggers into a trap. Figure out ways to prevent them from making a sacrifice. When you know where your ennemies are, you can start digging somewhere to attract ennemies who will be ambushed mounted on their way to you. Endless schemes and traps to set up. Something only Bori can provide.
    Plus while you usually fight on a small portion of maps, in Bori you fight all over the place. Map.

    Start signal : Some rush directly to T3 to farm mats, others chose to wait for the victorious groupe on their way out to loot their mats. They run to try and make a sacrifice, are ambushed on the way by the groupe that lost the T3 melee and lose all their mats. One groupe devides themselves in two. While half of them are harassing the groupe las know to have the mats, rest is digging. A groupe spots them, go gank them loot their mats and send to of them to a sneaky sacrifice while the other 4 distract the others.
    To earn points you could, sacrafice and/or destroy others sacrifices before they get there.

    Ideas :
    • We could start feeding mats : Giving enough for 50% of an altar to each groupe.
    • We could put a squishy full of mats in T3 for the start. The first to arrive there and kill him get the mats.
    • We could make kills on 'leaders' of a groupe (their best geared tank) count.

    This is a work in progress, ideas and feedback most welcome !

    I know Bori has bad reputation and i'm one of the very few 'Bori Enthousiaste' but try to keep in mind that this game would be to fight and achieve something. Absolutely not about earning PvP XP. You have a goal to achieve in a dangerous region and trying to achieve it (digging or sacking) makes you a target.
    It's exactly the same thing as in minis. The Flag is the objective, the goal is to make you move and to make you a target when you have it on you. Digging and rare mats have the same purpose. You dig mats (take the flag) and then escort the mat career to a point you need to defend for some minuts. So try not to be blocked by the idea of some digging involved.

    So how would you feel about something like that ? A "proper way" if i dare say so of playing in/with Bori.
    Vali~The Mental Mushroom
    Vehl~The Pink Flamingo
    Vahlie~Redhead's bane
    Tisane~Kettle of Xotli
    Nvah~ . . .

  2. #2


    Bump !

    I'm thinking of using something alike for the next PvP event or the one after. Feedback needed.
    Vali~The Mental Mushroom
    Vehl~The Pink Flamingo
    Vahlie~Redhead's bane
    Tisane~Kettle of Xotli
    Nvah~ . . .

  3. #3

    Default good idea

    Sounds good...count Vires in

  4. #4


    TTS SPAM macro ?

    sounds good vehl, count rakdos in...
    The Law

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