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Thread: Same old 5 mini game maps for over 5 years, why?

  1. #1

    Default Same old 5 mini game maps for over 5 years, why?

    It would make this game so much more fun if there was a random option for mini's and it would through the mini game in a random location in hyboria and that is where the minigame would be held. So it might have a capture the flag mini in Old T, in kashetta or somewhere. The reason why I didn't just say make more minigame maps is because it would cost funcom too much money and secondly this way they could produce infinatly more minigame maps cheaply, quickly and most of all, numerously.

    To be honest, if funcom can't do something about the same old 5 maps after 5 years; I think something is wrong. This is such an easy fix, it's optional to sign on to a random mini(opposed to tt or hv) and it would keep pvp'rs from getting tired of the game so fast for such a simple, cheap, low cost fix with such rewarding fun and with the ability for funcom to preserve future profits.

  2. #2


    Funcom thinks what 1 new mini-game map per year will be enough. And don't forget how many times they try fix JS after releasing new mini-game

  3. #3


    One new mini map per year would be great lol, we've had the same 4 for years.

    Also idea signed, funcom has so much content already in game that they could use and choose not to
    Usedtissue Necro 10//Emptycan ToS 7//Puggles HoX 6//Ammagaden Guard 5//Trollololo Conq 5//Bottlecap DT 2

    PM me to sign the Minigame buddy sign-up petition: (

  4. #4


    At least add another version of TT, there's already too much CTF and conquest is pretty much not any different.
    Doomsayer 2008

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by throughthedoor View Post
    It would make this game so much more fun if there was a random option for mini's and it would through the mini game in a random location in hyboria and that is where the minigame would be held. So it might have a capture the flag mini in Old T, in kashetta or somewhere. The reason why I didn't just say make more minigame maps is because it would cost funcom too much money and secondly this way they could produce infinatly more minigame maps cheaply, quickly and most of all, numerously.

    To be honest, if funcom can't do something about the same old 5 maps after 5 years; I think something is wrong. This is such an easy fix, it's optional to sign on to a random mini(opposed to tt or hv) and it would keep pvp'rs from getting tired of the game so fast for such a simple, cheap, low cost fix with such rewarding fun and with the ability for funcom to preserve future profits.
    Thats a very good idea in my opinion but i dont think that Funcom will do that coz they tend to **** things up just like they want to make everyone have the same gear in Minigames?!

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