Hey Guys.

Just wanted to share my thoughts with you.

I am a veteran of AOC, played it from from start till 2011.

I came from a game thats truly free to play, with a very different form of free to play. The main problem with AOC is that in order to gain the best gear, you would have to spendt cash. This makes a huge imbalance, and a major problem for your game experience, this led me to leave AOC after cheking the "F2P" version out.

I dont understand why a company such as funcom dont even realise that the system they made is worse than the previous system having only paying players, and giving the players a worse experience then they actually would have gotten if they made it equal for all but just cheaper each month.

I know huge communities such as the russian, turkish, and chinese cant affort to pay 15€ or more a month for a game, but rather they perfere playing either F2P or 2-3€ / month games, and i understand that.

But why is it funcom dont make a very different system such as i see they have in many other F2P games, where spending TIME is awarded, and spending MONEY if you are lazy. Both can equally grant the same items, but you are getting allowed to play for free aslong as you are willing to play alot more than a paying user. The advantages you will get as premium is higher EXP, higher DROPRATE, merchant DISCOUNT, craftmans BOOST.

If you allow the paying players to buy tier 1 PVP gears for $ and let them one hit all the F2P players... And allow such imbalance in game, we all know that the ship we are sailing in is heading for the buttom of the ocean.

Me personally was willing to spendt money on this game, i know it and its fun, but during the lack of players to PVP against, i had to leave it. It simply just pisses me off to see that when they finally go for F2P they decide to do it the most horrible way they possibly can.

One thing you cant argue with, is regardless of how good the game is, it is rediculess if no one plays it... HUGE amounts of players will attrackt alot more players... So instead of being greedy and focus on the few players who will spendt money on items or so in game, you should focus on getting the number of players up.

Imagine if it costed you 1$ to search on google, or if it costed 1$ to get your site up among the results? How many visitors would google have then?

Thats why its free for all to search on google, but you have to pay to get your website to appear before the others.

And yet regardless if you dont pay google your website might still be nr. 1 on results.