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Thread: Latency for the moved EU server - post your ping

  1. #71


    Just wanted to throw it out there, I had a sin on EU about a year ago (facepoker) for a few months.. it was stolen from me, but that's another story. It took me a few days to get used to the 160-220 latency I had but once I did I had no issues shitting on everyone. My main issue was the constant lag spikes. If it was steady 160-220 I was completely fine. Give it a little time guys and see how it works.
    Last edited by Fuzzyy; 14th May 2013 at 09:27.

  2. #72

    Default Pls....

    Guys Please wait a moment perhaps FC resolve this problem soon,you already knew that it would be and FC too..Give them some time to solve some of the problems GM,s <3333

  3. #73


    before: 60 ms
    now: 90 - 120 ms

    but the server was empty. it would be ok with a ping around 100, but i guess this will change while the server is crowded.

    more than a decade ago i played my first online-shooters with a ping of 300+ and still killed everyone. it´s possible, you just have to get used to it.
    Last edited by Weisthor; 14th May 2013 at 09:46.

  4. #74


    I live in Sweden, used to have 20ms
    Now I've 150ms...

    Game is not playable in melee anymore

  5. #75


    Nice me to have before 93-98 now i have 200-213 thx funcom...

  6. #76


    Quote Originally Posted by Fuzzyy View Post
    Just wanted to throw it out there, I had a sin on EU about a year ago (facepoker) for a few months.. it was stolen from me, but that's another story. It took me a few days to get used to the 160-220 latency I had but once I did I had no issues shitting on everyone. My main issue was the constant lag spikes. If it was steady 160-220 I was completely fine. Give it a little time guys and see how it works.
    Yeah sure you can get used to it and rely on aoe abilities etc. But is it fun? Is the same as with a low ping? no, it's different, it's annoying, it's limiting you and against COMPETENT players with a low ping you get crushed anyway. Did you ever beat Surgery, Spunqe, Delred or any other competent Euro sin with that ping? All these guys have a sub 100 ping btw^^ (sub 60 even, IIRC)

    We Euros represent the majority of AoC players, we pay more than US players too (15€ vs $15), and our experience gets more or less severely downgraded just like that, poof. Is it hard to see the problem? :/

    Even with a low ping the game is so badly coded, so glitchy and full of micro teleporting/prediction errors that it's beyond me how one can tolerate this - unless of course you've never had better to start with (aussies etc). I mean, are US servers that bad skill wise that people with 200-300 ping do fine? Those guys are free kills on Fury, even with ranged classes lol. (for example people playing from South Africa, some of them are really nice and all but they are worthless in pvp no matter how hard they try)
    Last edited by kalston; 14th May 2013 at 10:18.
    Expert Shield of the Risen opener.

  7. #77


    Hands up who didn't see this coming? Is a shorter count me thinks

    Give it a rest (esp that Imma cancel me sub dude) ... behaving like none have ever played AoC and just started last week.

    Name me one patch/change/hamster cough that didn't destroy AoC for weeks? Just one ..

    And you know what? We are still here 5 years in ... still moaning how we will all cancel our subs tomorrow (if only someone would make a good game).

  8. #78


    My gaming experience is ruined. I can't land any combos because of the lag.

    I used to have 25-100 mS.
    Now I have 170-300-1000-3000...

    For me, it's actually impossible to play.
    Harcesis - Guard
    Lomaxx - BS
    Scoobie - TOS
    Gammern - Necro

  9. #79


    Math states that it takes about 60ms to cross the atlantic from London to New York. There's no way Funcom can fix that, unless they invent new tech travelling faster than speed of light, good luck.

    So question is what will they do to compensate this added bonus latency, I predict nothing.

  10. #80


    First impression was good, at least it is still playable (pvp is a different thing though).

    Last week/now:
    Fury/Turan: 150-250ms, now 140-240ms (but different load and day, but same char)
    Crom/Pin-Pin: 100-500ms (around 130ms average), now 150-230ms (160-180ms average)
    Fury/Chosain: 100-500ms (around 150ms average), now 150-220ms (160-180ms average)

    First char had not many lagspikes (looked like an improvement actually), just one red bar when everyone else had it too. Second char played as usual with more spikes and freezes and third char crashed to desktop in Jhebbal).

    So for now, still playable in pve (game was unplayable for me in pvp melee anyway already). Let's see how it looks after the merges and "tweaks"...

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