As announced in this thread the servers will come down for an emergency update on Tuesday, 2nd September. To avoid a second downtime in the same week the next big update has now been planned to come to the live servers next week. We also have mentioned several times in other threads before that we are testing the next big update as long as needed to make sure the fixes are implemented in the best possible manner and that the changes are working as intended. The following examples have been put together to give you a small glimpse of what can be expected with the next big update which should (pending testing of course) get to the live servers next week:

  • Around 60 different fixes to archetype and classes to further balance them also for PvP combat.
  • Several new quests in Eiglophian Mountains are getting tested at the moment and should be getting ready for the live servers soon.
  • Almost two dozens of changes and tweaks to the GUI including improved mouseover tooltips for items to better describe why a given item cannot be used by your character or combos that should show more information about what they are doing.
  • Like in past updates we also plan to add several fixes and additions to siege battles and if all tests are proving to be successful, we should be able to bring the first step of the PvP Updates to the live servers which will introduce the PvP experience and levels as well as the first sets of PvP armor.
  • Some smaller and some bigger changes to almost 40 of the quests including one that should have a slightly more interesting quest ending than currently.

And there are even more fixes for topics like Tradeskills, Tradeposts, Mounts, NPCs and more.

I know we said it before but it is important that we mention it again; testing new changes and fixes is crucial. If some of the planned changes are not working the way they should or if some problems are detected even in the last parts of a test we must make sure that those issues are removed before a deploy to the live servers. So please do take into account that the possibility remains that the actual update next week might change in some regards still. But we certainly are planning to bring the fixes and changes as mentioned and will do all that is necessary to make it happen.

We will of course keep you up to date about the latest status of the next update as soon as more information is available.