ever tried this one? https://goo.gl/KgSJZK
(Oh damn, its spam!)
wtf is this? bad joke? lolOriginally Posted by zujilin
ever tried this one? https://goo.gl/KgSJZK
(Oh damn, its spam!)
wtf is this? bad joke? lolOriginally Posted by zujilin
You scream troll primarily because you state you have been playing since Month 1 yet post a build that can only be taken as a troll or that you completely know nothing about the game. The fact of the matter is your English is not the best and you probably just meant to say you tried the game at launch and are just now coming back.
The amount of points that you have in general has never been viable at any stage of life in this game. Surging health, burning vigor, counterstrike stance, etc have been especially terrible since Day 1 and when you start seeing realtime numbers vs the other options you will quickly come to realize that. I can only assume you built your build based off of reading the feat descriptions, and that's fine, most people here probably did that at some point or another, but the fact of the matter is the descriptions are extremely misleading or just flat out wrong. The builds others have posted are the basic cookie cutters and are great starting points. There have been no major changes to any of the classes in a very long time.
You're obviously free to feat and play how you want, however, if you want to be of any use to anyone but yourself at end-game, you will need make considerable changes. Right now your on a path to be a useless tank that won't be able to do any damage and will have a really difficult time holding aggro.
Last edited by Anzu; 18th October 2017 at 19:11.
If you use your brain and think a bit,you already know that Age of Conan is a f2p game,this means that can be played from people around the world and this means that not all people know English at perfection,but you know this if you think a bit. I have played since the launch to this game but only after lvl 30,later after 1 month of play,i stopped cus the game is not ended and have half of the content unfinished. After the game turns f2p,i return to the game but there are only 4 classes for select: Guardian,Priest of Mitra,Barbarian and Demonologist. So again i left the game cus it is not f2p at all.
When the game turns f2p and f2p for all content,this means today,i restart to play the game,with a Conqueror again. But there is one thing that Funcom does not say on forums: the game turns on permamaintenance for dedicate to Exiles. And that is normal after 9 years on. Maybe if the game is built by another company,we have another Lineage 2. Lineage 2 is from 2004 and still on. Why Age of Conan not???? But i'm playing casually,cus i'm waiting to the launch of Tera on my Ps4,and that is after January or February of 2018. So,congratulations,you do not have to hold me much here.
Btw on other games forums i get banned for say less than the word troll,i do not know what the moderators does.
Ximinet - Priest of Mitra - Crom PvE
Sorry,but i'm sick of people insulting me,ON EVERY FORUM.
Btw on topic,i will reroll a barbarian or ranger.
Last edited by Ximinet; 18th October 2017 at 22:38.
Ximinet - Priest of Mitra - Crom PvE
maybe you should start to think about why it happens.
for example, here you posted a build that's very bad. people tried to tell you why it's bad and give suggestions, than you came up with another build that was wrong for the same reasons of the 1st one you posted.
fine, but the problem is not the class...![]()
"in the depths of a mind insane fantasy and reality are the same"
Yawgmoth (Ranger) - Nyxathid (Necro) - Yixlid (HoX) - Kaltas (DT) - Heung (BS) - Teysa (HoX) - Gatzu (Guard) - Krovax (Ranger) - Hurkyl (Barb) - Vedalken (PoM)