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Thread: Instance mechanics "malfunctioning"

  1. #1

    Default Instance mechanics "malfunctioning"


    Since yesterday, I (and others in my group/raid) have encountered some strange bugs regarding certain mechanics in group/raid instances. No one had encountered these before, but they occur repeatedly for certain characters, it seems.

    First issue was during a standard KK loop, me and the DT in the group tried to port inside the containment receptacle, but where unable to get the rings to port us; the rest of the group could port without issues. We noticed that we did not get the usual debuff above our names prior to an eventual port, either. Relogging, zoning, changing feats did nothing to alleviate the problem. For me, the problem re-occured with the same character during another KK loop at the same place today.

    Tonight, we also had a strange problem of a similar nature in T3.5. During the Bat boss fight, me (this time on PoM) and another character on BS had trouble while transferring the parasite - we would get into position to transfer the parasite, making sure no one else was close to us and the parasite bearer, but the parasite wouldn't transfer and we would get the Host debuff. Tried 3-4 times, always with the same result. Similarly, we couldn't spawn the parasite either, getting the Host debuff instantly instead.

    Has anyone else encountered such issues before and has a possible solution?

  2. #2


    We had issues tonight with parasite: seemed to disappear more if a tank took the parasite but happened with other classes too. We eventually got enough parasites to kill it before it enraged.

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