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Thread: Petition for Buddy Queue Mini's

  1. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by Korando-AoC View Post
    Yes it's over.
    But changing random minigames queque to allow hardcore pvp stomp of newbies will not bring it back.
    It's over because there are no left newbies to stomp and kick out of game, population has already fallen from 1.000.000 to 1.000 (not exact numbers, just to give an idea) and that also because of many bad choices.

    At start PvP was hardcore, so all casuals got cut out, big cut of population and game was left with few hardcore players, the same that keep whining, bitching and trolling here for years now, since game is in this next to dead or barely surviving status at least from 2011.
    These guys QQ because Funcom solved those old issue after realizing that random and premades togethet can't work.
    One think you are right: Funcom made these change at wrong point.
    It had to be like now from start, before loosing all the population.
    So we could have still enough players to use regularly the true PvP queque, the Tournament mode.

    And anothet thing you are right, the quality and quantity of PvP in general is so low now that Funcom could really just switch to the old system.. at least we could have few last months of stomp fun and then finally end this agony.

    As you see I want what you want, but I try to use my brain and it keeps telling me that what you want is not the right thing for the game.
    The fact that is supported by no brain trolls like those posting on this thread tells me that I'm probably right...

    So yes it's over, whatever Funcom bring back the old system or not.
    Live with that.
    I get that and agree, but players can make a choice to learn to actually play and get better. I did that and survived through the worse on the toughest US pvp server during it's highest population, I don't see why it would be hard for others now that it's very easy to level and very accessible to everyone and not just the few as when I was coming up. I still think us veterans need a better option and/or outlet than the tiring tournament queue which takes an excessive amount of work to coordinate log on times to get premades going.

    My point I suppose is that pvp should be something that is earned as a player due to their prowess, not just handed out through random team generators such as minis are now where everyone can progress eventually if they just play enough. I get casuals need an outlet as well, but in pvp there will always be a loser, you can't make everyone happy. You have people who went through this system and actually equate their minis played with skill level, when these players in actuality are god awful atrocious and make me facepalm my head when I see them cost me the win every game because they can't read a mini map and know who and where the flag or target is. it's hard to support this system and the game play and skill gaps it creates and enjoy it.
    Doomsayer 2008

  2. #82


    There shouldn't be a discussion for this matter.Its obvious that this fail total pug disaster has failed,it drove pvp crowd away from the game together with no pvp updates for years since recently.This pug era is an abomination of a minigame system,anyone who defending it didnt play pvp at all or didnt played seriously back in the days.It was so satisfying defeating premades with pugs or forming your own premade and trying to guess which mini the premade was going to sign and go face them.Im so tired with this system, 9/10 minis are a farm fest for one of the teams,afkers,leavers,kd whores,flag bots,exploiters,combers,its just insane how terrible is the situation atm in pvp so is it too much to ask to give us an option to sign with at least 1 friend.......?

  3. #83


    Quote Originally Posted by Korando-AoC View Post
    Yes it's over.
    But changing random minigames queque to allow hardcore pvp stomp of newbies will not bring it back.
    It's over because there are no left newbies to stomp and kick out of game, population has already fallen from 1.000.000 to 1.000 (not exact numbers, just to give an idea) and that also because of many bad choices.
    Even if there were newbies left, why do people assume that allowing people to sign up in teams of two would lead to them being stomped more than they are now? The only two people in this thread who are self-proclaimed casual PvPers, Kurt and I, do not seem to think so

    The current system favours killwhoring. And you cannot even blame players for that - if there is no teamplay worth speaking of, and you can't really expect the next mini to be better than the current one, the most a good player can get out of a mini is to show his superior skill by getting kills. By contrast, people who sign up as a team might actually be interested in a good fight rather than purely in farm minis - so if their team is vastly superior, they might cap it out faster and hope for a better fight in the next mini.

    Also, as I pointed out above, duo signups may actually help dedicated new players to learn the game faster.

    The argument that "duo signups are bad for newbies" is equivalent to "teamplay is bad for newbies". I don't buy that. And even if it were true, what hurts newbies much more than teamplay is the gear/AA grind.
    Last edited by Rathothis; 5th November 2015 at 10:18.
    Rathothis|Tempest of Set || Tigrathes|Dark Templar || Isitnofret|Herald of Xotli
    Sudatorius|Noob barb on Rage

  4. #84


    I am a casual flagbot - Does that help?
    Khemi. Picture Hell on the cheap then add more whores

  5. #85


    Quote Originally Posted by Lleilwin View Post
    I am a casual flagbot - Does that help?
    That's fine, better than afk hider

    But I don't think you have provided a reasoned opinion on the OP, other than "not signed". You should use your casualness to weigh in one way or the other. After all, this is forum PvP, and we're all here to win.
    Rathothis|Tempest of Set || Tigrathes|Dark Templar || Isitnofret|Herald of Xotli
    Sudatorius|Noob barb on Rage

  6. #86


    I put my reasons in #56.
    Whether they are valid is a personal POV, really

    In the end it simply comes down to that I disagree with the OP
    Khemi. Picture Hell on the cheap then add more whores

  7. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by Lleilwin View Post
    I am a casual flagbot - Does that help?
    Yes it does , then I feel less responsible for the flag when I'm on tank
    Typing on mobile
    Excuse mspellings and strange auto erections
    (current) Mains: Slackjoint (tos), Daraiios(sin) , Quorrin (DT)

    Yes the new store still blows

  8. #88


    The real problem lies with tornament mode☺
    if this mode was more interesting and beneficial, THEN you would bother grouping up with others to win and achive more as a grp..
    OR you could make tournamentmode as the old minigame mode, where you can grp up with a buddie and the game fills up either with randoms or grouped people☺ and for those who wanted to go full grp vs full grp could do so while the bigger grp gets pri to enter the game😉
    Kraamz dt pvp10
    Kramzor hox pvp10
    Quickdash guard pvp7
    Kramzz bs pvp5

    Pressostate conq pvp5

    AFK into the unknown =/

  9. #89


    Back when modes were made, they souldove done it the other way, by making a PUG mode instead of Tournament ☺
    Kraamz dt pvp10
    Kramzor hox pvp10
    Quickdash guard pvp7
    Kramzz bs pvp5

    Pressostate conq pvp5

    AFK into the unknown =/

  10. #90


    Why not make a new minigame map that has the old rules (i.e. Sign up with groups allowed and fill up with randoms.

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