Changing the mini-game rules made sense at the time. Mini-games were the only way to gain PvP XP at a decent rate. Even with Bori, if you weren't among the few guilds trusting it, it would have been extremely tedious to gain PvP levels and gear just had become crucial.
Today PvP xp is much faster to gain and you have several options. Daily quests, Festival of blood, Bori and minis. Most of which can be pugged.
Personnaly i've found it frustrating not to be able to play with newcomers willing to learn. It's much easier to progress when you've got someone experienced (or several) giving you hand, dedicated to helping you. Makes losing much more bareable in my opinion and you're not just waiting for an other mini to have more luck with the random people you were asigned. Getting better actually increases drasticly your chances of victory. Today... it doesn't mean much.
I believe it's much better for player retention to have the opportunity to play in groupes (full or partial) rather than have as only option souless pugs. At the very least if it doesn't provide better pvp quality it helps the social aspect of the game. Something that has been dearly lacking these past years.