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Thread: A new idea to save the game

  1. #1

    Default A new idea to save the game

    The other type of PvP is something very unique and Conanesque, and it's simply called "brawling". It is only turned on for drunken players who frequent bars and inns. Here, you fight with other stats than the regular level abilities, and the system is based around how much you drink, what type of brawling weapon you're holding (table, bottle, stool, etc.) as well as other abilities. The object here is simply to drink yourself satisfyingly intoxicated, and smash down your fellow bar-brawling drunkards in an all out fun and games setting. Nothing serious, only for fun.

  2. #2


    What ? I hear a little bird whispering .
    What is it , it says ?
    Oh ya , promised content from launch
    Typing on mobile
    Excuse mspellings and strange auto erections
    (current) Mains: Slackjoint (tos), Daraiios(sin) , Quorrin (DT)

    Yes the new store still blows

  3. #3


    I totally forgot about that! I still have my drinking cape!

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