Hiya, list is far from complete but the more that shares their findings the faster people can unlock them phat achivements. I'll update the list when I have time.
Try to follow this simple template if you want to post a location.
1. Coordinates with playfieldname. Like (570, 424) Field of The Dead.
2. Which placement does it have in the achivement window? 1, 2, 3.. etc. And the name of the spot.
3. If it's hard to get to it, make a nice little description how to get there or if it's hidden.
In the end it should look something like this.
Ymir's Pass - 8. Temple of Ymir (1137, 1239). Need to click huge rock at 1126, 1290 to get up.
Barachan Islands
1. Tortage Port (City of Tortage) (1145,635)
2. Tortage Keep (City of Tortage) (Climb highest up at 1079, 715)
3. Tortage Gate (City of Tortage) (760, 644)
4. Visage of Acheon (City of Tortage) (858, 546) - I dont know intended way up but you can jump around at 829, 429) Video for jumping
5. Rum and Rumble (City of Tortage) (Highest floor on the boat, 1047, 785)
6. White Sands Beach (White Sands) (443, 803)
7. Secluded Cave (White Sands) (545, 574)
8. White Sands Peak (White Sands) (1st climb. 663, 529) (2nd climb. 666, 504)
9. Temple of the Black Ones (White Sands) (752, 643)
10. Gorilla Island (White Sands) (215, 254)
11. The Inlet (Acheronian Ruins) (Jump off from the stairs at153, 246)
12. Trial of Fire (Acheronian Ruins) (322, 54)
13. Icarus Tower (Acheronian Ruins) (478, 244) - Same climb spot as Leap of Faith.
14. Pictish Overwatch (Acheronian Ruins) (Click rope at 103, 353)
Evito taking us on a guide through The Barachan Islands!
Old Tarantia
1. Conans Tarantia (787, 659) (Climb to the Tower with the Red-Light, jump on down on the wall and climb up the building in front)
2. Avenue of Roses (929, 587) (Climbspot rank on the Bordel)
3. Avenue of Lions (778, 584) (Climbspot rank right down on the Street, climb slow at the end otherwise you fall down on the wall)
4. Temple of Mitra (703, 442) (on a Rock)
5. Avenue of Honor (953, 761) (Vilerus Bridge South Pillar)
6. OT Docks (676, 656) (Climbspot Ledder)
The Wild Lands of Zelata
1. Tesso (301, 673) On top of a house. Jump with mount.
2. The Wild Pass (141,224) On top of a house, need to jump from house to house with mount. Video
3. Devil's Fissures (896 1269) On top of a rock.
4. Sanctum of the Burning Souls (1150,575) (Couple of climbing points and jumps/drops) Video of jumps/drops
5. The Achernoian Crown (886, 636) On top of the climb spot at 886, 636.
6. The Wild Lands (154, 783)
Evito's video
Tarantia Noble District
1. North Bridge (942, 1124)
2. Noble Gardens (1069, 1026)
3. Temple of Mitra (920, 1135)
4. Castle Approach (873, 931)
5. The Villas (803, 1270)
Thunder River
1. Across the Thunder - 664, 1578 (on rooftop)
2. The Underbelly - 550, 1180
3. Prison Colony Flyby - 727, 1096 (climb down to the quest guy)
4. Western Watch - 483, 908 (jump down)
5. Monolith - 1295, 966 (climb up)
6. Acheronian Grotto (1356, 577) On top of a rock. Video on how to get on da rock
7. Twin Gates - 1163, 1061 (climb at 1190, 1073, then mount and jump to the next south rock and climb at 1083, 1045) Video of climb
Evito's Video
Tarantia Common District
1. Rooftops (850, 845) (on the House right left when you enter the CD, climbspot 2ledders a few metres down the street)
2. Northside Harbor (670, 753) (you have to jump on the buildings roofs from Iron-Tower Area)
3. Crows Plunge (430, 945) (on a small cliff next to the plunge)
4. The Colony (447, 622) (on Hadaqas ship)
5. The Iron Tower (575, 810) (use leap of faith climbspots and follow coords.)
Conarch Village
1. The Tradepost (200, 460) (On top of the traders place)
2. Once sent to the Great Hall (440, 456) (Jump up on the roof of the building close to the center trading post and then go to the panorama)
3. West Village (210, 515) (Go up on the roof and you should find the thingie inside the a window)
4. Downriver (330, 485) (On top of the goat tower)
5. A Cimmerian Welcome (421, 504)
Evito showing us around Conarch Village
Conall's Valley
1. The Arrival (500, 428)
2. The Bloody Gate (688, 569)
3. Overhang (910, 1046)
4. Glade Spring (1127, 1107)
5. Fool’s Landing (1397, 533)
6. To Vanaheim (1673, 636)
Video of Evito showing all panoramas in Connal's Valley
Field of the Dead
1. Clan Moragh Burial Grounds (497, 725)
2. Clan Raeda Burial Mounds (242, 503)
3. Haunted Forest (550, 417)
4. The Last Beacon (1127, 540)
5. Hyperborean Tombs (925, 989)
6. The House of Crom (555, 955). Two ways up, one "easier" and one "harder".
7. Wolves Pass (776, 803)
Field of dead showing by Evito!
Eiglophian Mountains
1. Cannibal Camp (1056, 318)
2. Fendaen’s Retreat (1362, 667)
3. Temple of Thurga (954, 988)
4. The Two Hundred Steps (363, 554)
5. Through the Eiglophians (316, 1046)
Evito showing us all the Eiglophian Mountains panoramas in one video!
Ymir's Pass
1. Clan Maugh Camp (408, 306)
2. Wheel of Pain (487, 697) on top of that stone (Need mount to get there)
3. The Desolation (854, 140) On top of the tower
4. Frost Dale (286, 1380)
5. The Road to Ymir's Peak (838, 1080)
6. Karutonia (1215, 345) go up the stairs where the Cowled One boss is, jump left around the corner, jump up and drop further left
7. All Along the Watchtowers (1055, 811) starts at 1090, 800: climb up, turn left, climb further up, jump south to the other side, on that podest, around the corner, climb all the way to the roof, drop down a bit at the north-west corner, go further to the south-west corner, drop onto the ledge pointing to west, finally drop from that ledge... Video from Evito
Evito showing us through Ymir's Pass!
Atzel's Approach
1. Upper Valley (341, 237)
2. Chill Crawler Cleft (208, 342) On top of pillar
3. Skammestein (94, 666) Climbing point at 94, 623
4. Valley of Blood and Ice (372, 792)
5. Frozen City (718, 459) Jump out at the long ladder to Hoef.
6. Atzel's Fortress (913, 825). Easy mode Alternate route to the Panorama
Evito taking us through the chilly Atzel's Approach!
1. West Dock (820, 1180) (need to do some "trick jumping" at the stars close by) Video for 'trick' jumping.
2. Born on the Styx (821, 1009)
3. Stygian Biremis (1194, 818)
4. The Isle of Akhet (945, 1075) (up the stairs close to The Serpent Head Inn and do some jumping over a wall)
5. The Great Lighouse of Khemi (1021, 1259)
Khopshef Province
1. Bubshur (363, 1005) Climb at 351, 932.
2. Black Castle (955, 214)
3. Caravensi (589, 591)
4. Pyramid of the Ancients (1357, 632)
5. Pashtun (166, 1024)
1. Oasis at the Gate (719, 1103)
2. The City (743, 591)
3. Thoth-Amon (811, 730)
4. The Black Ring (272, 530)
5. The Eastern Ruins (1101, 638)
Dragon's Spine
1. Excavation Camp Overlook (1107, 1406). Climp point to get up at 1086, 1307.
2. Main Dig (1304, 1183) Climb spot at 1300, 1148
3. It Hungers (696, 810) Not very obvious. Entrance at 948, 1115 through the Sandworm Larva cave. Video
4. Oasis (669, 916) Swim through the underwater tunnel at 586, 907. Hold right and you'll find it.
5. The Palace of Cetris (1047, 732) Climb spot at the broken bridge 1015, 741.
6. Ruins of The Ancient Race (1029, 265) Tricky to find. Climbing point starts at 1116, 292. Video
Evito's tour through Drakun Spine
Coast of Ardashir
1. Temple of Erlik (300, 824)
2. Ardashir City (341, 614)
3. Sodabeh's Villa (1010, 575)
4. Ardashir Arena (222, 403) Inside the temple
5. Pirate Cove (790, 865)
Gateway to Khitai
1. The Wall (1069, 97)
2. The Forgotten City (320, 1327)
3. Hyrkanian Village (629, 708)
4. Town-on-the-Wall (1431, 580)
5. The Zang Xin (1226, 399) (by Cong the King "The Giant Quest)
Northern Grasslands
1. Chow (249,1065) Jumping needed. Video with bouncing
2. The Journey South (278,936)
3. Top of The Rock (90, 622) One of the more annoying points because of 1347189789 mobs in the way.
4. Pilgrims Path (89, 379)
5. Warmonk Monastry (175,180)
6. Pillars of Heaven (1368, 1403) Use the ladder
7. Pin-Pin (972, 932)
Chosain Province
1. Red Forest (West) (109, 998)
2. Gun Hai (323, 1391) Climbing spot
3. Moon Tower (842, 1001) Climbing spot at roughly same coords.
4. Shaulun (886 782) Climb at X928, 768 and jump on the roof.
5. The Spines of Chosain. Climb at 418, 476 then go left by the Gold vein.
6. Gun Xiu (901, 30)
Kara Korum
1. Fengdu (594, 20) Under the bridge as you enter from NG.
2. Ghost Hill (1785, 343) Video
3. Obsidian Temple (636, 775) on top of the rock.
4. Corrupted Shelter. Drop down on tent from 1248, 707. Jump from tent into the shelter. Video of drop-down.
5. Valley of Giants. 345 1328 going up and 2 jumps, the orbe is close to 335 1272. Video
6. Hell's Mouth (1861, 741)
1. Rice Paddies (92,1188)
2. Baishan (366,1297)
3. Soul Eater's Pass (906,1360) note; The orb says Heaven's Fall, but clicking it updates the Soul Eater's Pass.
4. Heaven's Fall (566, 134) note; The orb says Purple Spires but clicking it updates Heaven's Fall.
5. Splinterspar Coast (155,500) Climbing point on the left side of the Temple 131, 474 note; The orb says Temple Of Yun, but clicking it updates the Splinterspar Coast.
6. Deep Jungle (600, 820) up in tree by one tough Grey Ape.
7. Purple Spires (1031, 1187). Acesssed from Brittle Blade camp. Video of the sneaky way. The orb says Splinterspar Coast but updates Purple Spires.
8. Temple Of Yun (480,1394) note; The orb says Soul Eater's Pass, but clicking it updates the Temple Of Yun
Evito showing off the beauty that is Paikang