17th February 2015, 13:56
Achievements - Adventuring - Questing
The purpose of this thread is to outline the quest givers, locations and pre-quests required to complete the Questing sections of the Achievements which were added to the game in 2015.
Independently of me, Johara (Medke) has been locating the quest givers and quest chains for the Adventuring section and has summarised these in a very elegant way on his blog page:
Note: I had completed the questing achievements for Old Tarantia and Khemi back in February on my main and entered them on this thread. Mid-April, I noticed that Funcom had added more quests in the the achievements questing menu than was there when the achievements were implemented - 1 in Old Tarantia and 2 in Khemi. It did not invalidate my character's completion of the zone, but it did make this thread out of date for those two zones.
Therefore, as of April 2015, I am marking on the different zones on what date I have last checked the quests on this thread match that of the achievement menu ingame. If you find there is a quest in your log that I do not have listed in a zone that I have made entries for, please do let me know either by posting in the thread or private message and I will look at that zone again. This thread is still a work-in-progress.
Last edited by Ladihawke; 13th April 2015 at 15:18.
17th February 2015, 13:58
Section reserved for Barachan Island questing
TORTAGE ISLAND (thank you Netsike for permission to use the information you compiled on your Conan Tutorial website), uptodate as at 22 May 2016
The Battle Of Tortage *prior quests required, not sure how many if you skipped the destiny chain whilst leveling or started character at level 50 or 80*
The last part of your destiny quest in Tortage!
Xan's Bounty
Quest giver: bottle, x422 y823, in the sand in White Sands, go right along the water's edge after you zone in from City of Tortage.
Grave Invite
Quest giver: Phoenic, x1054 y781, on the top level of the Rum and Rumble in City of Tortage
Location: Tortage, top of "Rum & Rumble Tavern"
Tarisha's Sacrifice *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Bartholomo, x1038 y797, City of Tortage. Need to complete Wisdom Through Venom given by Valerius, x1019 y649, City of Tortage. Then take Caught In The Shadows from Royo, x1068, y759, City of Tortage, followed by Xantia's Wrath from Royo. After completing these go to Bartolomo, x1038 y797 and take Tarisha's Sorrow and after this quest he will give you Tarisha's Sacrifice.
Pool Of Black Blood
Quest giver: Proxima, x1021 y772, City of Tortage.
Horror Beneath The Surface *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Alyssa, x53 y116, Thirsty Dog Inn within City of Tortage. Need to do her quest The Stench Of Death, then she will give you Horror Beneath The Surface.
Breaking The Bones *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Padraig, x1066 y766 on first level of Rum and Rumble, City of Tortage. Before getting this quest you need to go to Sancha, x964 y705, City of Tortage, and complete the quest Queen Of Punishment, followed by her quest Abandoned In The Halls Of Fear, then Padraig will give you Breaking The Bones.
Spirit Of Acheron *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Otho, x53 y125, Thirsty Dog Inn within City of Tortage. Need to complete Otho's quest A Brother's Vengeance, followed by Unholy Magic and then Remains Of A Bygone Age, then Otho will give you the quest.
Last edited by Ladihawke; 2nd February 2018 at 11:26.
17th February 2015, 14:04
Aquilonia Questing Achievements
OLD TARANTIA Up to date as at 22 May 2016.
A Needle Of Truth
Quest giver: Watchman, x949 y632 near the tradepost in Old Tarantia.
A Woman's Scorn
Quest giver: Vesta inside Sailors Den. Sailors Den is at x645 y646 in Old Tarantia. Vesta is at x240 y208 inside Sailors Den.
Finding Your Feet
Quest giver: Iritantus, x669 y663, near the docks where you take the wagoneer to Khemi.
Flaying Zarathus *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Nester the Taxidermist, x945 y662, paths in the room; you need to complete his quests Skins Of the Corrupted and then A Queen's Carpace before he will give you this quest.
Fleet Of Mouth
Quest giver: Cycaelus, x732 y677, near the docks where you take the wagoneer to Khemi.
Seven Years
Quest giver: Lordana, x817 y693
The Urchin
Quest giver: Tulio, x676 y663, near the docks where you take the wagoneer to Khemi.
Melanor's Star
Quest giver: Trajus, x746 y637
The Woman Who Never Died
Quest giver: Princess Akivasha's Diary inside Outflow Tunnels at x253 y203 (room with coffin). Click on Princess Akivasha's Diary to get the quest.
WILD LANDS OF ZELATA Up to date as at 22 May 2016.
A Father's Revenge *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Derat, x288 y737, out on the balcony of the second level of the house. Need to complete quest Kaylee's B a s t a r d from Derat before you can get A Father's Revenge. (apologies I had to spell Kaylee's quest name like that as the forums appeared to censor the word replacing it with *******.)
A Refugee's Tale
Quest giver: Governor Myrtilos, x305 y728; outside on top floor of the house.
The Demon In The Tree *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Adeonus, x285 y783. Need to complete quest Thick Heads And Strong Axes given by Trathanus, x250 y638 before Adeonus will give you The Demon In the Tree.
A Triumphant Return *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Sergeant Vargus, x188 y270 in the Border Range. First get The Lost Regiment from Commander Drusco, x231 y701 in Wild Lands of Zelata. Then take The Soldier's Reprieve from Sergeant Vargus, x188 y270 in the Border Range followed by Reconnaissance. Reconnaissance sends you to Artex the Scout, x548 y151, take his quest Breaking the Spearhead and upon completion of that quest Sergeant Vargus will give you A Triumphant Return.
The Party *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Governor Millias, x228 y643. Need to complete his quest A Vote's Worth followed by Strongarm Tactics before he will give you The Party.
Dark Beast Repellent *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Demicus, x300 y735, outside on top floor of the house. Need to complete his quest Demicus' Experiment before you can get this quest from him.
The Battle of Corvo *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Governor Myrtilos, x305 y728, outside on top floor of the house. Need to get What Creeps Beneath from Keyx, x238, y725, followed by The New Threat from Governor Myrtilos, x305 y728. Then go to Captain Ignacio, x300 y 667 to get The Nemedian Incursion, after that one is complete when you go back to Governor Myrtilos he will give you The Battle of Corvo.
The Cursed Scroll *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Fabio, x832 y516 in Old Tarantia. Need to first take Fabio's Predicament followed by Save The Princess from him before you can get The Cursed Scroll quest. (By the way, whilst you have the Leathery Scroll in your quest inventory you will occasionally have three hostile minions spawn on you.)
The Witches Brew *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Zelata, x520 y53. Need to do her quest Prove Your Worth and then she will give you this one.
Treachery And Deception *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Luciano, x264 y709. Need to complete Octavia's Fate from him, then he will give you Treachery And Deception.
The Spider Queens Lair *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Oris the apprentice, x275 y685. Before you can get this quest you need to complete The Beaten Apprentice, followed by Seeds Of Desire from him.
The Darkest Nightmare *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Reburrus, x229 y1389. Need to complete Disquiet Dreams from him before you can get The Darkest Nightmare.
The Huntress *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Captain Ignacio, x300 y667. Need to complete Protecting The Flocks and Illuminating The Darkness from him before he will give you The Huntress.
TARANTIA NOBLE DISTRICT Up to date as at 22 May 2016.
Source Of Contagion *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Brother Persus, x1053 y1013. Need to get Assault On Tarantia from Cario, x935 y877, then from Watch Captain Falco, x1050 y1041 need to take Death From Above followed by Burning The Barricades, then Concealing The Chinks and finally Purging The Fallen. After these have been completed you can get Source Of Contagion from Brother Persus.
The Purveyor Of Putrescence
Quest giver: Juna The Cook, x907 y1174.
Curses Of Travius Blacktongue
Quest giver: Travius Blacktongue, inside Armsman's Tavern x348 y227.
The Love Of A Countess *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Countess Albiona, inside Armsman's Tavern x317 y210. Need to complete In Defense Of Beauty from Nathaniel, who is near Countess Albonia, inside Armsman's Tavern x313 y211, then can get the quest from the Countess Albonia.
Herbs In Villa Amiel *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Marco, inside Armsman's Tavern x340 y202. Need to first complete The Chef followed by Juan's Apprentice given by Juan who is near Marco, inside Armsman's Tavern x341 y206, then Marco will give you Herbs in Villa Amiel.
Paetus And The Nemedian Crown IV *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Pallantides, inside Castle Of King Conan, x251 y165. To start this chain, need to speak to Gavion, inside Armsman's Tavern, x356 y210 upstairs, to get Paetus & The Nemedian Crown. When this is completed there is a five hour cooldown on the quest chain before you can take the next part, speak to Gavion after cooldown has expired to get Paetus & The Nemedian Crown II, when this is completed Gavion will update the quest chain to Paetus & The Nemedian Crown III. When you have completed Paetus & The Nemedian Crown III the quest chain again has a five hour cooldown before you can take Paetus & The Nemedian Crown IV from Pallantides.
Noble Valuables *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Lady Verde's Bodyguard, x741 y1239. Need to do his quest Lady Of Villa Verde then wait until the five hour quest cooldown has expired and speak to him again to get Noble Valuables.
Rahim And Lord Camillus *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Rahim, x774 y1166. Need to first do his quest The Slave Girl,, then wait until the five hour quest cooldown has expired and speak to him again to get Rahim And Lord Camillus.
A Fool's Dream *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Sarissa, inside the Armsman's Tavern x333 y227. Need to complete The Thief from Sarissa, then wait until the five hour quest cooldown has expired and speak to her again to get A Fool's Dream.
The Sinister Sepulcher *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Archpriest Zyras, x850 y1153. Need to first do A Relative Risen from Little Vitana, x888 y1174, then Archpriest Zyras will give you The Sinister Sepulcher.
The Black Skulls *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Archpriest Zyras, x850 y1153. Need to first do A Relative Risen from Little Vitana, x888 y1174, then take The Sinister Sepulcher from the Archpriest Zyras and when that is completed he will give you The Black Skulls.
Cleaning The Streets *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Watch Captain Falco, x1050 y1041. Need to get Assault On Tarantia from Cario, x935 y877, then from Watch Captain Falco, x1050 y1041 need to take Death From Above followed by Burning The Barricades and finally Concealing The Chinks. After these have been completed you can get Cleaning The Streets.
A Relative Risen
Quest giver: Little Vitana, x888 y1174.
THUNDER RIVER Up to date as at 22 May 2016.
A Quick Bite *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Dexion, x1304 y1504. Need to complete quest Death From Below from Dexion and then he will give you the quest A Quick Bite.
Torn To Pieces
Quest giver: Donicus, x1314 y1525.
The Corpse Devours
Quest giver: Donicus, x1314 y1525.
Underground Attack
Quest giver: Captain Marcus, x1284 y1548.
A Gruesome Death *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Captain Tiberius, paths around the Aquilonian Settlement x687 y1582 in Thunder River. Need to complete Mercenary Spies followed by Under False Flag from Captain Tiberius before he will give you the A Gruesome Death quest.
Attack Of The Savages
Quest giver: Thracius, x1282 y245.
Enslaved And Abused
Quest giver: Donicus, x1306 y1539.
Heads Of The Fallen
Quest giver: Thracius, x1282 y245.
Plans Of Mayhem *prior quest required*
Quest giver: General Lupercus, x986 y1557, in tent in Prison Guard Fort camp. Need to complete A Steep Cliff from General Lupercus before he will give you Plans of Mayhem.
Reclaiming Lost Land *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Captain Marcus, x1284 y1548. Need to complete Fighting The Pict Leaders from Captain Marcus before he will give you Reclaiming Lost Land.
Zeno's Last Hour
Quest giver: General Lupercus, x986 y1557, in tent in Prison Guard Fort camp.
TARANTIA COMMON DISTRICT Up to date as at 22 May 2016.
War In The Streets *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Cantrix, x770 y895, up a ladder. The is part of a long chain started by getting the quest Infiltrating The Crows from Vialli in Old Tarantia, x901 y853, just outside the gate into Tarantia Common District. Once you have Infiltrating the Crows go to Labero, x756 y892 up a ladder, and get To Become A Rat Infiltrator, hand that in and get A Thieving Crow. Completing that sends you to Cantrix, x770 y895 up a ladder and he gives you The Missing Crow followed by Mark Of The Plague, then Enemy Movement and then The Arsonist. After you hand in The Arsonist he will give you The War On The Streets.
War On The Roofs *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Priscos, x882 y775. The is part of a long chain started by getting the quest Infiltrating The Rats from Vialli in Old Tarantia, x901 y853, just outside the gate into Tarantia Common District. Once you have Infiltrating the Rats talk to Mascus, x904 y778 and get To Become A Crow followed by The Tarantia Tea Party. Completion of The Tarantia Tea Party sends you to Prisco, x882 y775 and take his quest Walking The Plank, then The Plagued Task and Enemy Within. When these are complete, run up the hill north past the old crone (x500 y830) to spawn the quest Fighting Fire by getting close enough to the house at x477 y879, quest spawned for me at about x487 y837. When you hand in Fighting Fire to Prisco he will give you War On The Roofs
Enemy Movement *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Cantrix, x770 y895, up a ladder. The is part of the long chain for War In The Streets started by getting the quest Infiltrating The Crows from Vialli in Old Tarantia, x901 y853, just outside the gate into Tarantia Common District. Once you have Infiltrating the Crows go to Labero, x756 y892 up a ladder, and get To Become A Rat Infiltrator, hand that in and get A Thieving Crow. Completing that sends you to Cantrix, x770 y895 up a ladder and he gives you The Missing Crow followed by Mark Of The Plague, then Enemy Movement.
Smoldering Supplies *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Dock Master, x848 y840. Complete The Boat Captain from Dock Master, followed by The Covert Casket then he will give you Smoldering Supplies.
A Remedy For Diseases *buff required*
Quest giver: Phaxus, x660 y882. Before he will give you this quest you need to get a spell/debuff put on you called Degeneration by visiting the Leper Colony x380 y680 in Tarantia Common District, walk onto the Leper Colony island until you see that spell/debuff appear. The 60 minute spell appears above your name on the bottom left of screen (where your tombstone markers are shown).
To Wake From Darkness *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Phaxus, x660 y882. First complete Lazar's Flock from Phaxus and then he will give you To Wake From Darkness.
Whispers From The Grave (thanks Panamajack for the information about this quest)
Quest giver: quest starts with a pop-up on your screen when you cross the appropriate area on map - approximately x142 y942 in Graveyard as you enter into the archway/tunnel at those co-ordinates. I have checked and you can get this quest & complete it both in the daytime and at night.
Justice In The District/A Missing Leader *prior quests required* (thanks Gcustoms for information about this quest)
Still working on this chain. So far I believe at least one of War On The Roofs or War On The Streets has to be completed and then get the quest to kill Jovus inside Crow's nest from either Crows or Wharf rats. The thread below suggests this and indicates who to see after you have killed Jovus:
Gcustoms posted information about getting the Justice In The District quest, he said after completing the quest inside Crow's nest to kill Jovus, a Watch Commander Vascus (x854 y851) will give you a quest to follow a harlot (wait if shes walking away from Atillus' mansion). She will go to Atillus' Mansion, and then you'll be able to get Justice in the District.
Last edited by Ladihawke; 21st May 2016 at 16:34.
17th February 2015, 14:04
Cimmeria Questing Achievement
CONARCH VILLAGE Up to date as at 22 May 2016.
Clans At War *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Battlemaster Bronwith, x403 y450 in Conarch Village. There are two choices of prequests: need to complete either quest Every Strong Arm given by Conarch Warrior x326 y531 in Conarch's Village OR Bonds Of Blood given by Caor on bridge in Old Tarantia outside noble OT gate, x933 y851 before Battlemaster Bronwith will give you the Clans At War quest.
Rotten Molars *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Croiss, x364 y338. Need to complete quest Supply And Demand given by Conor x352 y571 (near wagoneer to Old Tarantia) before Croiss will give any quests. Then need to complete the quest The Downtrodden from Croiss before he will give you the Rotten Molars quest.
Supply Routes *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Valoz da Neva in Conal's Valley, x645 y572, in Cimmerian Settlement. Before he will give the quest you need to do the following quests from him: Hunting For Valoz, followed by The Snowy Beast, then he will give you Supply Routes.
The Gift Of Healing *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Kaen, x143 y475. Need to complete his quest A Rare Delicacy, requires level 24, (which is inside Spider Caverns in Conal's Valley) before he will give you The Gift of Healing quest.
The Wandering Drunk
Quest giver: Conarch Village Guard who paths around the west side of Conarch's Village. (he is the only pathing guard that will talk to you and does not have [guard] under his name as far as I have seen.)
CONAL'S VALLEY Up to date as at 22 May 2016.
A Dirge For The Dead *prior quests required*
Quest giver: The Gravesinger, x 1395 y 489, near Spider Caverns instance. Before visiting him you need to get a quest from Kern Wolfeye, x 1142 y 960 (near Mountain Glade rez pad) called The Gravesinger. When you arrive and complete the quest The Gravesinger by talking to The Gravesinger he will offer the quest The Gravesinger's Voice. After you have completed The Gravesinger's Voice, he will give you the quest A Dirge For The Dead.
Frostblood's Camp *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Kincaid, x 658 y 542 in the Cimmerian settlement. Need to complete his quest Blinding The Enemy followed by The Assault Camp. Then you need to go to Weaponsmith Einion, x 613 y 535 in the Cimmerian settlement and complete his quest Plundering The Prowlers. After you have handed in Plundering The Prowlers return to Kincaid and he will give you Frostblood's Camp.
Old Man Gormley *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Riona, x509 y434, in Chieftain's Dwelling. Need to do quests from Cavan x88 y205 (near gate from Conarch's Village) before she will give you this quest. Cavan first gives you The Wolf Menace and when that is completed Helping The Settlement, which directs you to Riona. Then she will give you the Old Man Gormley quest.
Invading The Supply Camp *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Wallach, x 1147 y 948, near Mountain Glade rez pad. Need to do the quest Defeating Iceblade from Kern Wolfeye (next to Wallach) before Wallach will give you the Invading The Supply Camp quest.
The Passing Of Blackfrost
Quest giver is Desagrena, x 1258 y 1076, inside the cave.
The Hidden Cavern *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Hydallan, x 1143 y960, near Mountain Glade rez pad. Need to do the quest Appetite of the Wolf that he gives before he will give you The Hidden Cavern quest.
The Lurking Horror
Quest giver: Gormley, x647 y537, in the Cimmerian settlement. It will come up under "Spider Caverns" in your journal not Conal's Valley.
The Bloodied Spear *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Ossian, x 1245 y 568, near Cascade Falls rez pad. To get this quest from him you first have to click on a bloodied spear at x 1304 y 619 to get Brutal customs. When you talk to Ossian to complete Brutal customs he will offer the quest The Bloodied Spear.
The Tactician's Camp *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Ossian, x 1245 y 568, near Cascade Falls rez pad. You need to complete his quest Torn from the dead before he will give you The Tactician's Camp.
Decimate The Warhost *prior quests required
Quest giver: Kern Wolfeye, x1143 y957, near Mountain Glade rez pad. Need to complete his quest Chaos In the Fortress, followed by Mayhem In The Fortress before he will give you Decimate The Warhost.
The War Totem *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Riona, x 509 y 434, in Chieftain's Dwelling. Same deal as for Old Man Gormley quest, you need to do quests from Cavan x 88, y 205 (near gate from Conarch's Village) before she will give you this quest. Cavan first gives you The Wolf Menace and when that is completed Helping the Settlement, which directs you to Riona. Then she will give you The War Totem quest.
Quest giver: Hawkeye, x510 y440, in Chieftain's Dwelling.
FIELD OF THE DEAD Up to date as at 22 May 2016.
Partner To The Vanir *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Morcant, x606 y730. You first need to complete his quest Gifts from Khitai followed by Explosive Intent and then he will give you Partner To The Vanir.
The Gurnakhi Champrion *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Diarmad, x1147 y551, in Fire Beacon Lookout camp. Before visiting him you need to complete The Rescue of Isobail I and The Rescue of Isobail II given by Tabbot Tall-Wood, x270 y439, at Foothills camp. Then you need to complete The Lost Scouts and Captives Of the White Hand from Diarmad before he will give you The Gurnakhi Champion.
A Return To Imprisonment *prior quests required*
Quest giver: The Spirit of Leannan, x666 y595. You need to first visit Radi, x562 y315, a head on a pole in the Haunted Forest and take his quest A Curious Encounter, then go to The Spirit of Leannan to get Demon Unchained followed by The Secret Bane of Radi before you can get A Return To Imprisonment from The Spirit of Leannan.
Leader Of The Lycanthropes *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Elisedd, x726 y383, near bridge into the Haunted Forest. Before visiting Elisedd, you need to complete Cure For Lycanthropy from Jocund, x267 y450, Foothills camp. Then need to go to Lachlan, x486 y523 and take Feverish Dreams from him.
The Messenger *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Bhaltair, x106 y288, at the Crossroads camp. Before he will give you this quest you need to complete Wagon Wreck followed by The Poisoned Cup given by Bhaltair.
Lieutenants Haken, Karras & Vorr *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Bodhrann, x605 y723. First complete Death to the Vanir - note: you do not have to hand in this quest, just complete it then Bodhrann will give you The Ymirish Bearlock. (Johara's achievement site has a note that you may need to /petition if you had completed Death to the Vanir a long time ago). After The Ymirish Bearlock you need to complete Lieutenant Rhor from Bodhrann and finally he will give you Lieutenants Haken, Karras & Vorr.
The Chieftan's Vengeance
Quest giver: Cul Chieftan, x265 y446.
The Warning *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Cul Chieftan, x265 y446. This is last quest in a chain that is started by clicking on a letter that is dropped frequently by Vanir NPCs you kill in the zone, it goes into your normal inventory when you loot it. Click on the item called Letter To Hakon Wolftamer to spawn the quest Orders From Kylikki. This quest sends you to Cul Chieftan, x265 y446 and he will give you The Second Fragment, followed by The Third Fragment and then The Fourth Fragment and then you can get The Warning from him.
Cure For Lycanthropy
Quest giver: Jocund, x266 y447.
Den Of Wolves *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Marrock, x482 y524. You need to complete The Wolf Dream followed by The Curse Of The Werewolves from him, then can get Den Of Wolves.
The Torches Of Eiglophian
Quest giver: Diarmad, x1147 y551, in Fire Beacon Lookout camp.
Captives Of the White Hand *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Diarmad, x1147 y551, in Fire Beacon Lookout camp. Before visiting him you need to complete The Rescue of Isobail I and The Rescue of Isobail II given by Tabbot Tall-Wood, x270 y439, at Foothills camp. Then you need to complete The Lost Scouts from Diarmad then he will give you Captives Of The White Hand.
The Honored Dead IV *prior quests required*
Quest giver: The Spirit Of Leannan, x666 y596. You need to first complete his quests Residents Of The Haunted Forest followed by Death To The Undead then he will give you The Honored Dead IV. Note: at the same time he will give The Honored Dead I, II and III quests. There is no need to complete those in order to fullfill the required Achievement Adventuring Quest...though if you are looking to kill the targets of interest in the zone at the same time those quests will put an X where most of the "Spector of ..." bosses are located in the Haunted Forest.
EIGLOPHIAN MOUNTAINS Up to date as at 22 May 2016.
Spreading Confusion *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Arlan, x764 y405, Settlement of Dinog. You first need to go to Cian, x817 y388, in the Settlement of Dinog and complete his quests Keeping The Village Safe followed by On The Frontline. Then go to Arlan, x764 y405 and take his quest Into The Breach, when you have completed that one, then Arlan will give you Spreading Confusion.
The Blood-furred Beast *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Carrick, x215 y76, Valley Hunting Lodge camp. You first need to complete his quest A Broken Bloodline, then Carrick will give you The Blood-furred Beast.
Reign Of Terror *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Raelina, x539 y604. Before you can get this quest you need to go to Sheana, x610 y811 at the Mountain Hunting Lodge and get the quest Missing Shaman. Then go to Raelina, x539 y604 and complete her quest A Lost Companion. You also need to complete the quest A Piece of History, which is started by clicking on a tablet at x351 y578. When both A Lost Companion and A Piece Of History are completed then Raelina will give you Reign Of Terror.
Reinforcing The Ward Wall *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Raelina, x539 y604. Before you can get this quest you need to go to Sheana, x610 y811 at the Mountain Hunting Lodge and get the quest Missing Shaman. Then go to Raelina, x539 y604 and complete her quests Raelina's Journals followed by Trapping Spirits and then Raelina will give you Reinforcing The Ward Wall.
Wolves And Lambs
Quest giver: Bora, x778 y425, Settlement of Dinog.
Into The Fire *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Attadeus, x799 y915. You first need to get Cannibal Commotion from Nola, x621 y275, Mountain Hunting Lodge. Then go to Attadeus, x799 y915 and complete his quest All That Is Lost Shall Be Found, followed by Out Of The Frying Pan then he will give you Into The Fire.
A Daughter's Revenge *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Elina, x832 y388, Settlement of Dinog. First complete her quest Elina's Father, then she will give you A Daughter's Revenge.
To Send A Message *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Fendaen, x1362 y666. Climb into the tower to find him, first complete his quest Hell's Whip, then he will give you To Send A Message.
Swallowing The Pride *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Rithriall, x628 y790, Mountain Hunting Lodge. You first need to complete Doing Your Part given by Nola x621 y796, Mountain Hunting Lodge, followed by her quest Convincing The Hunter, then Rithriall will give you Swallowing The Pride.
The Ape Hunt *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Fenella, x658 y914. You need to complete her quest Proving Ground followed by Ante Up before she will give you The Ape Hunt.
Enemies No More *prior quest required*
Quest givers: Nera, x450 y995 OR Brizio, x424 y999. You can complete this quest by doing the chain from either Nera or Brizio, but they oppose each other so can not do both. First complete Making Things Right - Nera OR Making Things Right - Brizio followed by Setback - Nera or Setback - Brizio and then you can get Enemies No More - Nera or Enemies No More - Brizio.
Fleeing To Vanaheim
Quest giver: Delryn, x310 y974.
White Hand Officers *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Rithriall, x628 y790, Mountain Hunting Lodge. You first need to complete Doing Your Part given by Nola x621 y796, Mountain Hunting Lodge, followed by her quest Convincing The Hunter, then Rithriall will give you White Hand Officers.
YMIR'S PASS Up to date as at 22 May 2016.
The Three Towers *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Horsa, x245 y654, Aesir Expedition. First visit G'runith, x246 y664, Aesir Expedition, and get his quest The Mud In The Mire. Then visit Horsa and complete his quest Silence In The Swamps, then Horsa will give you The Three Towers quest.
The Bottomless Pits *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Airic, x244 y671, Aesir Expedition. Before Airic will give you this quest you need to complete his quests A Scar In The Earth followed by The Phantom In The Powder, then he will give you The Bottomless Pits.
The Ghost Kings *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Caecillus, x255 y571, Aesir Expedition. First visit G'runith, x246 y664, Aesir Expedition, and get his quest The Mud In The Mire followed by The Darkness In The Swamp. Then get Healing Natures Wounds from Caecillus and upon completion of that quest he will then give you The Ghost Kings.
The Girl With No Fear *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Caden Chieftan, x416 y154, Clan Maugh Encampment. Before you can get this quest you need to go to Geir, x419 y162, Clan Maugh Encampment and complete his quests Havoc And Disruption followed by A Call To The Clan. Then Caden Chieftan will give you The Girl With No Fear.
Breath of Ymir
Quest giver: Ragnfrost, x250 y653, Aesir Expedition.
Heart of Atali
Quest giver: Atali, x687 y1393, Mountain Slopes resurrection pad. I have not found a path up to this pad, so I get close to it so when I die it can be selected.
The Sins Of Karutonia *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Aevar, x747 y1343. First go to Niord, x243 y667, Aesir Expedition and get his quest The Wayward Shaman, this leads you to Aevar, x747 y1343. Complete his quest Ymir's Board and then he will give you The Sins Of Karutonia.
The Calm Before The Storm
Quest giver: Skudd, x408 y146, Clan Maugh Encampment.
A Fallen Companion
Quest giver: Greccas, x1439 y350, Mercenary Camp.
The Explorer (found information on completing this quest in post listed below)
Quest giver: Skeleton, x640 y450. Click on skeleton to spawn the quest. Forum post on quest:
Intercepting The Messenger
Quest giver: Captain Bellona, x1441 y350, Mercenary Camp.
Bridge Of Blood And Death
Quest giver: Esperan, x289 y69, at Aelfrith Camp.
Demon Eggs
Quest giver: Hoture, x285 y71, at Aelfrith Camp.
Behind The Ice *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Doran, x365 y594. To get this quest you first need to complete The Ice Fiend from Doran, then he will give you the quest.
The Troglodyte Conflict *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Esperan, x289 y69, at Aelfrith Camp. First complete War Standard from Esperan then he will give you the quest.
Hard Evidence
Quest giver: Kurtz Mandros, x284 y266.
Run Away, Far Far Away
Quest giver: Sorina, x777 y116 in Tarantia Noble District.
Dead Man's Ledger *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Prosco, x260 y696. Before you can get this quest you need to visit Servia, x286 y66, at Aelfrith Camp to get her quest The Lost Men and complete part of this quest before Prosco will give you Dead Man's Ledger.
Revenge Served Cold *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Prosco, x260 y696. You need to complete a section in the quest The Lost Men from Servia, x286 y66 Aelfirth Camp, before Prosco will give you Revenge Served Cold.
Kidnapping And Torture
Quest giver: Kiebus, x282 y69, at Aelfrith Camp.
Bloody Ambush
Quest giver: Kurtz Mandros,, x284 y266.
Feast Of Wyrmlings
Quest giver: Rulvio, x743 y467, near the ladder that you climb up to get to Halls Of Eternal Frost.
Revenge Of The Ape God *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Nioric Manywinters, x704 y257. You need to complete Rage Of Ape God given by Nioric Manywinters before he will give you this quest.
Beastmaster Of An-Sug
Quest giver: Nioric Manywinters, x704 y257.
Last edited by Ladihawke; 13th February 2018 at 10:26.
Reason: Added Aztel's Approach quests
17th February 2015, 14:05
Khitai Questing Achievement
GATEWAY TO KHITAI Up to date as at 22 May 2016.
Last Stand On The Steppes
Quest giver: Heng-zong, x477 y496, near the entrance from Khemi in the Wrecked Caravan camp.
Left Behind *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Wingfung, x477 y486, near the entrance from Khemi in the Wrecked Caravan camp. Need to complete Unforgiving Thirst from Wingfung, then he will give you the Left Behind.
Assaulting A Village *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Ze-dong, x466 y485, near the entrance from Khemi in the Wrecked Caravan camp. Need to complete Deceiving The Raiders from Ze-dong. Ze-dong will then give you Assaulting A Village. To get the next two quests, you have to complete Assaulting A Village II by talking with Targutai, x505 y736, in the Hyrkanian Village, and complete the quest he gives you The Hyrkanian Trial.
Sacred Grounds *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Altan, x516 y744, in the Hyrkanian Village, can not take quests from Altan until The Hyrkanian Trial has been handed into Targutai.
They Awake At Night *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Altan, x516 y744, in the Hyrkanian Village, can not take quests from Altan until The Hyrkanian Trial has been handed into Targutai.
The Hyrkanian Rituals
Quest giver: Menudsjin, x695 y1050, in tent in Menudsjin's Camp. Can be taken even if the quest Becoming A Khan has not been completed.
Dragon Breath
Quest giver: Yuan, x728 y1068, in Menudsjin's Camp.
Becoming A Khan *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Menudsjin, x1072 y154. Before going to Menudsjin you need to take Menudsjin from Chotan, x500 y727, in the Hyrkanian Village (need to have completed The Hyrkanian Trial before she will give quest.) Quest leads to The Hermit, Gong at x813 y108. Need to complete his quest Hunting On The Steppes and then speaking to him will update Menudsjin and you are sent to find Menudsjin. Need to complete The Fate Of Kuchu Khan from Menudsjin and then you can get Becoming A Khan from him. (note I've always gone back to him at x1072 y154 to complete The Fate of Kuchu Khan, I do not know if it will complete if you go to Menudsjin's Camp to speak to him there).
A Letter To Khemi *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Akana, x665 y1112, next to Menudsjin's Camp. Need to take quest Tales Of A Lost People, complete it and also do the follow up quest Tales Of The Sands, then she will give you quest A Letter To Khemi.
Fog Of The Damned *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Nakhu, x696 y1094, in Menudsjin's camp. Need to take Scouting the Plains, followed by The Forgotten City from Nakhu, then he will give you the quest Fog of the Damned.
The Demon Of The Sands *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Dair Usun, x690 y1095, in Medunsjin's Camp. Need to take The Troubled Shaman, then The Distraught Shaman, followed by The Mad Shaman and then finally you will get The Demon Of The Sands. By the way completing this chain gives an expertise point vial as a reward.
The Giant
Quest giver: Hang-khi, x1376 y498, to the south/right along the great wall.
Blood Of The Scarlet Circle/The Execution Of Huang *prior quests required*
Quest givers: near gate to Northern Grasslands. Either get quest Rage Of The Kang Zai from Li-min, x1419 y607 (scarlet circle side of chain) OR The Gate And The Thief from Taichu, x1412 y594, (the Last Legion side of chain) as can not complete both - I've tried to get both and when I take the opposing quest the one I have in the journal updates as failed & is removed. Does not appear to actually affect factions at all. This chain gives an expertise point vial as a reward. Both these are starter quests for long chains that leads ultimately to Blood Of The Scarlet Circle or The Execution Of Huang
NORTHERN GRASSLANDS Up to date as at 22 May 2016.
Making Contact *prior quests required*
Quest giver: King Conan, x250 y77, in Castle of King Conan. Need to have completed the level 60 destiny quest to gain access to King Conan.
Sowing Favor *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Astreas, x78 y1215, near gate to Gateway to Khitai zone. Need to complete Making Contact given by King Conan.
Lost In Transition *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Astreas, x78 y1215, near gate to Gateway to Khitai zone. Need to have complete Making Contact given by King Conan and Sowing Favour given by Astreas.
Pilgrims On The Road *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Prisoner, x890 y945, Pin Pin up the stairs and ladder inside the wall of Pin Pin. Need to have completed Making Contact given by King Conan, Sowing Favour and Lost In Transition given by Astreas.
The Piper *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Jin, x936 y208 in Mei-Dianwafu. Need to have completed a particular quest from either either Children of Yag-kosha or Yellow Priest of Yun faction before Jin will give you The Piper. I have not tested this part since achievements came out but from my quest logs I think the quests you need to have completed are:
Plague from Bing, x955 y181, in Mei-Dainwafu if you are aligned with Children of Yag-kosha OR
Infestation from Yu-Xing, x1001 y902, in Pin Pin if you are aligned with Yellow Priests of Yun.
Riders From Abroad
Quest giver: Dao-zi, x90 y1202, near gate to Gateway to Khitai zone.
CHOSAIN Up to date as at 22 May 2016.
Peace For Lei
Quest giver: Lei, paths along road outside of Shaulun between x826 y929 and x968 y853.
The Grey Leopard *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Astreas, x78 y1215, near gate to Gateway to Khitai zone. Need to have completed the Northern Grassland sets of quests from King Conan, Astreas and the Prisoner, that is Making Contact, Sowing Favor, Lost In Transition, Pilgrims On The Road.
The Neglected State *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Agaetus, x1023 y290, upstairs in a house in Shaulun. Need to have completed the Northern Grassland sets of quests from King Conan, Astreas and the Prisoner, that is Making Contact, Sowing Favor, Lost In Transition, Pilgrims On The Road and also The Grey Leopard.
Wayward Seed *prior quests required*
Quest giver: The Grey Leopard, x1025 y789, upstairs in a house in Shaulun. Need to have completed the Northern Grassland sets of quests from King Conan, Astreas and the Prisoner, that is Making Contact, Sowing Favor, Lost In Transition, Pilgrims On The Road and also The Grey Leopard and The Neglected State.
The Rightful Heir *prior quests required*
Quest giver: The Grey Leopard, x1025 y789, upstairs in a house in Shaulun. Need to have completed the Northern Grassland sets of quests from King Conan, Astreas and the Prisoner, that is Making Contact, Sowing Favor, Lost In Transition, Pilgrims On The Road and also The Grey Leopard, The Neglected State and Wayward Seed.
A Message From Paikang *prior quests required*
Quest giver: either The Grey Leopard or Ageatus gives this one, x1025 y789, upstairs in a house in Shaulun. Need to have completed the Northern Grassland sets of quests from King Conan, Astreas and the Prisoner, that is Making Contact, Sowing Favor, Lost In Transition, Pilgrims On The Road and also The Grey Leopard, The Neglected State, Wayward Seed and The Rightful Heir.
The Chosain Conflict
Quest giver: Yat-sen, x83 y1026, near gate to Northern Grasslands.
Into The Wastes *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Agaetus, x1023 y290 upstairs in a house in Shaulun. Need to have completed the Northern Grassland and Chosain sets of quests from King Conan, Astreas, Agaetus.
The Heights Of Lunacy *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Old Man, x908 y716. Need to have completed the Northern Grassland and Chosain sets of quests from King Conan, Astreas, Agaetus.
The Balance Of Power *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Li-Yah, x 1434 y123, Southern Marshes. Need to have completed the Northern Grassland and Chosain sets of quests from King Conan, Astreas, Agaetus. I have not confirm this, but I suspect you also need to have completed The Heights Of Lunacy given by Old Man, x908 y716.
The Hunter
Quest giver: Note on ground at x1730 y430.This is part of the Jiang shi faction quests.
Telltale Sign
Quest giver: Wall marking in fengdu at x565 y120. This is part of the Jiang shi faction quests.
The Hanging Tree
Quest giver: grave at x1560 y306. This is part of the Jiang shi faction quests. The quest The Hunter will lead you to this area and the grave, but is not required to take the quest.
The Obsidian Cult *prior quests required* *rank in Jiang Shi faction required*
Quest giver: Fen-dar, x490 y46, in house in Fengdu. Need to have completed Telltale Signs obtained by clicking the wall marking at x565 y120, also Brethran Of Bone given by Fen-dar. Also need to be a particular rank in the Jiang Shi faction before he will give it ... I have not yet confirmed what rank.
The Passage North *prior quests required* *rank in Jiang Shi faction required*
Quest giver: Fen-dar, x490 y46, in house in Fengdu. Need to have completed Telltale Signs obtained by clicking the wall marking at x565 y120, also Brethran Of Bone given by Fen-dar. Also need to be a particular rank in the Jiang Shi faction before he will give it ... I have not yet confirmed what rank.
The Wonders Of The Wasteland *rank in Jiang Shi faction required*
Quest giver: Tien-Kai, x982 y1155, at Refuge Of Jiang Shi. This is part of the Jiang shi faction quests.
Entrenched Hatred *rank in Jiang Shi faction required*
Quest giver: Tien-Kai, x982 y1155, at Refuge Of Jiang Shi. This is part of the Jiang shi faction quests.
The Lash Of The Heavens
Quest giver: Zhaoji, x1636 y610, in field of stones. Need to complete The Hanging Tree obtained by clicking the grave at x1560 y306, followed by Tracks In The Waste given by Lein, x1240 y512.
Immortal Vengeance *rank in Jiang Shi faction required*
Quest giver: Pra-Un, x 1391 y1039, inside Pra-Un palace in Kara Korum. Note: do not need to be in Scarlet Circle faction to take this quest. This is part of the Jiang shi faction quests.
PAIKANG Up to date as at 22 May 2016.
Letters On The Road To Baishan
Quest giver: Cheh, x89 y167, near gate to Chosain Province.
The rest of the quests in this zone are part of a chain for the Insurrection faction so I'll list them in the order they have to be completed instead of the order in the Achievement tab.
Growing Discontent *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Zhi-fu, x95 y841, near gate to Chosain Zone. First need to complete A Hero Comes given by Mei-su, x92 y855, near gate to Chosain Province.
The Seeds of Rebellion *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Qizhen, x384 y768. Can get this quest after completing Growing Discontent.
Trickles Of Darkness *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Wan-Ling, x650 y1412, in Baishan. The quest The Seeds Of Rebellion sends you to see Wan-Ling and this is first quest you get from him.
Weapons Of Another Age *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Wan-Ling, x300 y1238, in Baishan. Need to complete Trickles Of Darkness and then you can get this from Wan-Ling. After this quest is completed, take The Souleaters from Wan-Ling. Completion of The Souleaters will update The Seeds Of Rebellion and you will be sent to Hwanung.
Immortal Games *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Hwanung, x650 y1412, in Heaven's Lake. Complete the set of quests from Wan-Ling in Baishan (see entry above) and The Seeds Of Rebellion updates and sends you to Hwanung who will give you Immortal Games.
Jhil's Brood *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Hwanung, x650 y1412, in Heaven's Lake. Complete Immortal Games followed by Beneath Heaven's Lake then you can get Jhil's Brood from Hwanung. Completing Jhil's Brood will update the next section of The Seeds Of Rebellion quest and you will be sent to Cai, x1200 y939 in Ju Jia
The Deepest Depths *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Sze, x1132 y557. Before you can get this quest you have to complete a series of quests from Cai, x1200 y939 in Ju Jia as follows: Washed Ashore, then Heaven's Feet, Missing Villagers and finally Hidden In Plain Sight. After these are completed you can get The Deepest Depths from Sze.
Cleansing The Cult *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Quest giver: Sze, x1132 y557. After completing The Deepest Depths, Sze will give you Cleansing The Cult. Completing this quest will update The Seeds of Rebellion and you can go complete that quest.
Last edited by Ladihawke; 13th February 2018 at 10:23.
Reason: Added Kara Korum quests
17th February 2015, 14:05
Stygia Questing Achievements
KHEMI (Many thanks to my guild mate who gave me the details for this zone); up to date as at 22 May 2016.
Caged Animals
Quest giver: Rahotep, x794 y1082
Nobles of Tarantia *Prior quest required*
Quest giver: Kalutma the Wine Merchant, x1000 y1165. Need to complete Spiced Wine from Kalutma before he will give you Nobles of Tarantia.
The Laughing Man
Quest giver: Bebkatum, x826 y1161.
The Raided Tomb
Quest giver: Tetkafri, x992 y1206.
The Sands Of Time
Quest giver: Sinmophtys, paths around x875 y1035 near the Madu (local traveller) on south dock of Khemi.
The Satiated Serpent
Quest giver: Osithma, x796 y1094.
The Sigil of Set
Quest starter: a note on ground beside a body at x862 y1198.
Trouble In The Province
Quest giver: Semerkhem, x822 y1131.
KHOPSHEF PROVINCE (Many thanks to my guildmate who gave me the locations of the quest givers.) Up to date as at 22 May 2016.
Lord Atum-keket *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Iti, x1236 y709. Need to have A Plea For Prophecy from Semira x453 y1220 before Iti will talk to you. Then need to complete Sneaking Suspicions from Iti before she will give you Lord Atum-keket.
Lusts Of The Flesh *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Thutmekri, x231 y284 inside Treasury of the Ancients instance. Need to complete his quest The Troubles of Thutmekri before he will give you this quest.
Pools Of Darkness
Quest giver: Kayires, x544 y 993.
The Mastermind *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Captain Nut, x662 y586. Need to complete his quests The Slave Rebellion, then Heads will roll, then A Lesson Learned, then Commander Ramartarsi followed by The Bandit Prince and then he will give you The Mastermind.
The Roots Of The Earth
Quest giver: Kayires, x544 y 993.
Tribute To Set *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Old Man Naboth, x984 y1485. Need to complete his quests A Vision From Set followed by Blood Of The Serpent before he will give you Tribute To Set
All That Remains
Quest giver: Shath-Hoten, x1260 y666.
The Dangers Of Decadence
Quest giver: Pashi, x255 y337, inside the Pyramid of the Ancients instance.
Fear Of The Demon
Quest giver: Lieutenant Rami, x515 y959.
A Plea For Prophecy
Quest giver: Semira, x453 y1220.
Azusena's Revenge *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Azusena, x543 y1050. Need to complete The Captains Warning given by Captain Menes, x549 y1042 before Azusena will give you Azusena's Revenge.
Desert Raiders
Quest giver: Zahir, x650 y587.
Ending The Threat *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Semira, x541 y1219. Need to get and complete Where Dead Men Wander from Captain Menes, x549 y1042 before you can get Ending The Threat from Semira.
A Better Smith *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Bakr, x634 y589. Need to complete his quests Poisoned Arrows, followed by The Spider Queen and finally Exoskeleton before he will give you A Better Smith.
Fascinating Faces
Quest giver: Ziyad, x1259 y672.
Sealed In The Blood Of Set or Sealed in Torrents Of Blood
Quest giver: Zane, x658 y563. Can take one but not both of these, either will complete the achievement.
Blinding The Hill's Eyes
Quest giver: Serafis, x843 y654, in Kheshatta City.
Desert Scorpion Armor
Quest giver: Kaled, x846 y662, in Kheshatta City.
Patrolling The Wastes
Quest giver: Mizra Suffi, x655 y1204, in the Oasis Of Rahotep.
Raiders From Hell II *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Serafis, x843 y654, in Kheshatta City. Talk to Serafis to get Raiders from Hell, complete this and return to Serafis. He will then give you Raiders from Hell II.
Origin Of Threat
Quest giver: Serafis, x843 y654, in Kheshatta City.
Slayer Of Snakes
Quest giver: Nadir, x664 y1216, in the Oasis Of Rahotep.
The Last Archive
Quest giver: Kayleigh "Twinkle" O'Fili, x751 y1201, near the gate to Purple Lotus Swamp.
The Smoky Pits Of Stygia
Quest giver: Serafis, x843 y654, in Kheshatta City.
Hunting The Wastes
Quest giver: Mizra Suffi, x655 y1204, in the Oasis Of Rahotep.
DRAGON'S SPINE See Joharaoc Achievement blog (http://joharaoc.eu/achievement) for a detailed quest chains in this zone.
A Foreshadowing Encounter
Quest giver: Dying Camel, x1336 y1367, near where you zone in from Khemi and a rez pad.
Precarious Sands
Quest giver: Simonthu, x1047 y355, at the Excavation Site
The Death That Would Not Come *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Gulbanda, x1152 y446, head at Excavation Site. First need to complete A Foreshadowing Encounter obtained from the Dying Camel x1336 y1367 and then The Snakes Who Walk from Alanza, x1226 y1204 at the Excavator Camp. Then visit Gulbanda for the quest.
Sandcastles In The Air
Quest giver: Charred map in hand of burned body, at x1218 y775.
Within The Sands Of Time
Quest giver: Sandglass, in the sand at x1343 y568.
In Favour Of Set *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Statue Of Set, at the Excavation Site. You need a group of three to complete the first quest Set in Stone. Each person needs to do the correct emote (/bow_khitai_kneel or /bloodthirst or /byset) on the pad for the appropriate statue at the same time. Joharaoc's blog has a picture embedded in the blue co-ordinates listed for this quest showing which pad/emote is required. After this you can get In Favour of Set.
The Seals Of Cetriss *part of Crawling questline, prior quests required*
Quest giver: Alanza, x1264 y1207, at Excavation Camp.
The Serpent Beneath The Skin *part of Crawling questline, prior quests required*
Quest giver: Ankh-Ausar, at Excavation Site.
The Snakes Who Walk *part of Crawling questline, prior quests required*
Quest giver: Alanza, x1264 y1207, at Excavation Camp. Also need to complete A Foreshadowing Encounter from Dying Camel, x1336 y1367, near where you zone in from Khemi and a rez pad.
Black Ring Raven *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Dead Bird, given as quest reward for All That Glitters Is Not Gold from Zormayel, x658 y610 in the Dead Man's Hand instance in Coast of Ardashir. Or you can buy the Dead Bird from the trader.
The Crawling Chaos *prior quests required* Note: I am relying on the details from Joharaoc's achievement blog for this section as I have only done this chain once a long time ago and can not remember the details.
Quest giver: Movie cut scene, triggers when you travel over x1124 y830 near Shadowy Cave rez pad. Before travelling to the cut-scene area complete A Foreshadowing Encounter from Dying Camel x1336 y1367 and then The Snakes Who Walk from Alanza x1264 y1207.
The Crawling Chaos II (Dancing To The Pipes). Complete Deception In The Dunes from Jamila, x1270 y1210 at Excavation Camp.
The Crawling Chaos III (Impossible Petals). Complete A Shattered Truth from Tempest at the Excavation Camp, then The Axe, The Tree, The Bloom That Could Not Be from Khaa, x1068 y282, at Excavation Site.
The Crawling Chaos IV (Scales Swimming In The Skin). Complete The Double-Walking Tempest from Tachus, x1202 y1042, at the Excavation Camp. Then Lies, Lies, Crawling Lies from Jamila, x1270 y1210, at the Excavation Camp. The Unshrouded Secrets from stupid man x1340 y500
The Crawling Chaos V (Mask Of The Tempest). The Serpent Beneath The Skin from Ankh-Ausar, x1071 y272, at the Excavation Site.
The Crawling Chaos VI (Lies on Lips Familiar). Finish the quest The Serpent Beneath The Skin from Ankh-Ausar x1071 y272
The Crawling Chaos VII (The Shining Gift) Complete The Seals of Cetriss from Alanza, x1264 y1207, at Excavation Camp. (1st seal: in Alanzas tent. 2nd seal: (1148, 919). 3rd seal: (1196, 1136). 4th seal: (1005, 365). 5th seal: Ankh-Ausar's tent)
The Crawling Chaos VIII (Into The Mouths Of Madness). Go to the Messenger, get ported and then kill the sandworm. then finally return to the Messenger and get the Otherworldly Flute to complete The Crawling Choas IX quest.
Last edited by Ladihawke; 13th February 2018 at 15:27.
Reason: Added Kheshatta and Dragon's Spine quests
17th February 2015, 14:05
Turan Questing Achievements
This zone requires the "Savage Coast of Turan" adventure pack.
Exsanguinous Discoveries *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Artus, x432 y722, Ardashir City. Before zoning to Coast of Ardashir/Turan, see Tali, x991 y1151, in The Souk in Khemi and take her quest Voyage To The Savage Coast, then talk to the Caravan Master, Turanian Pathfinder in Khemi x1195 y837, to travel to the Coast of Ardashir. Then you need to complete Artus The Merchant from Artus, then he will give you Exsanguinous Discoveries.
In Love With A Scoundrel
Quest giver: Arminta, x210 y405, at Canyon Outpost.
Menace Of The Black Circle *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Acolyte Jamshid, x215 y385, at Canyon Outpost. You first need to complete the quest Walking Dead from Lector Garmayel, x252 y650, Ardashir City. Then take The Wizards Of The Himelians from Acolyte Jamshid, x215 y385, at Canyon Outpost, after you complete this you can get the Menace Of The Black Circle quest from him.
The Devil In Oak
Quest giver: travel over x429 y455 and quest spawns, accept quest then you the speaking oak tree x391 y483 will speak with you. When travel over the area approximately x429 y455 you will get the The Devil In Oak quest pop up on your screen.
The Mortal Sins Of The Immortal *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Acolyte Kaveh, x301 y649, Ardashir City. First you need to complete the quest from Tali x991 y1151, in The Souk in Khemi, called Voyage To The Savage Coast, then complete Artus The Merchant followed by The Princely Gift from Artus, x432 y722, Ardashir City. After these, go see Acolyte Kaveh for The Mortal Sins Of The Immortal.
A Submissive Crocodilian *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Ming-an, x193 y361, at Canyon Outpost. First go to Piran,, x216 y404, at Canyon Outpost and complete his quest Bite Of The Dragon. Then go see Ming-an for A Submissive Crocodilian.
Bittersweet Revenge
Quest giver: Farhad,, x641 y361, at the Logging Camp.
Havoc And Destruction Among Kozaks *prior quest required*
Quest giver: Scout's journal in inventory. First visit Overseer Khosro, x646 y304, at the Logging Camp, and complete his quest Of Fur And Fodder, then click the Scout's journal you received in your inventory to get Havoc And Destruction Among Kozaks
A Thief In The Night *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Khorshid, x181 y450, at Canyon Outpost. First complete the quest from Tali, x991 y1151 in The Souk in Khemi, Voyage To The Savage Coast. Then complete Artus The Merchant followed by The Princely Gift from Artus, x432 y722, Ardashir City. Then as you travel around the city where the merchant NPCs reside x457 y681 to x386 y700 the quest The Master Thief will trigger and pop up on your screen, complete this quest and then visit Ela Shan, x438 y612, Ardashir City, to take Hand Of Glory and join the faction. Complete all the quests Ela Shan offers which are: The Apprentice Thief; Matters Of The Past; One Fledging In The Hand; The Setback Of Ela Shan; The Burden Of Ela Shan; The Vegeance Of Ela Shan until you get The Woman Who Lost Her Heart. After completing The Woman Who Lost Her Heart visit Khorshid, x181 y450, at Canyon Outpost and complete her quest Secrets Of The Black Seers, after which she will give you A Thief In The Night.
The Insidious General *prior quests required*
Quest giver: A Note on Treason, that you will get in your inventory after completing the prior quests. First travel out of the south-east exit of Ardashir City approximately x484 y613 and the quest Assault On The Armament will spawn, wait in that area then speak withSergeant Pirooz, x475 y609 to complete the quest and get Envoy Of Ardashir from him. Complete that quest and then speak with General Arman, x372 y166 in Gatehouse Barred (inside lobby to Ardashir Fort) to get The Admirable General.. Also need to complete the quest from Tali, x991 y1151 in The Souk in Khemi, Voyage To The Savage Coast followed by Artus The Merchant from Artus, x432 y722, Ardashir City, then you can get As The King Commands from the Fort Guard, x352 y826, Ardashir City. Then click Military Orders which appears as a quest reward in your inventory for completing As The King Commands to get quest Treachery In The Garrison. The next quest triggers around x442 y693 in the street called The Stalker In The Street and you receive Woodcutter's Axe in your inventory as the quest reward for completing it. Click the Woodcutter's Axe to spawn the quest All That Falls In The Forrest. Completing that quest gives you a Note From General Arman in your inventory, click it to get the quest Questions In The Dark. After completing Questions In The Dark you will have Kozak Battle Plans in your inventory, click to receive the quest The Lies That Shape The World. You will receive a Bottle Of Sparkling Wine as the quest reward for completing The Lies That Shape The World, click on it to spawn the quest Pirates In The House. Completing Pirates In The House leads to the quest Rebuke Of The Commander from Artus. You receive A Note On Treason in your inventory after completing Rebuke Of The Commander, click on it to receive The Insidious General.
Mutiny In The Brotherhood *prior quests required*
Quest giver: Artus, x432 y722, Ardashir City OR Pigeon mail in Dead Man's Hand. First you need to complete the quest from Tali x991 y1151, in The Souk in Khemi, called Voyage To The Savage Coast, then complete Artus The Merchant followed by Messenger In A Barrel from Artus. Then also get The Weakling, The Warrior, And The Wanton given by Artus or received by pigeon mail in Dead Man's Hand. After which you can get Mutiny In The Brotherhood again either from Artus or pigeon mail in Dead Man's Hand.
Casting Pearls Before Swine
Quest giver: Mondegor, x482 y296, inside Dead Man's Hand instance.
Restless Children
Quest giver: Mondegor, x482 y296, inside Dead Man's Hand instance.
Old Goat, New Tricks
Quest giver: Tanaz, x615 y591, top level of a hut inside Dead Man's Hand instance.
Fishy Murders
Quest giver: Fariborz, x661 y667, inside Dead Man's Hand instance.
Last edited by Ladihawke; 13th February 2018 at 12:57.
20th February 2015, 16:06
Great post
21st February 2015, 12:01
I just started to collect these quests and I finished Tortage. Feel free to use the information.
You can find it here:
21st February 2015, 13:40
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