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Thread: Star Citizen

  1. #1

    Default Star Citizen

    Anyone considering signing up? I remember seeing someone else post here regarding Star Citizen, but could not find it.

    I just bought an "Avenger" game package including Alpha and Beta testing for $75 US (and invested in a new joystick as well) so I can PVP in the Alpha testing sometime soon after Christmas, really looking forward to it. Before AoC I destroyed a couple of joysticks playing Wing Commander Prophecy and Freespace.

    Game previews, and my gorgeous ship in the hangar, look amazing; finally a game even more gorgeous than Conan.

    Will give me something to do until Unchained mini-games show up in 4 or 6 months...

    BTW, you can join up for just $30 or $40 with an Aurora package (looks like pure PVE capable to me) or you can get the top PVP Hornet game package for $140...
    Last edited by skavenkris; 14th December 2013 at 00:48.

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