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Thread: Considering Re-Subbing

  1. #1

    Default Considering Re-Subbing

    I played AoC back when it launched. I went back for ROTGS expansion and recently came back to the F2P option and find it VERY restrictive compared to what a sub offers.

    I never made it to lvl 80 with any toon before. I keep hearing that the game actually starts at lvl 80. My question then is what exactly is there to do at lvl 80 since the game "starts" there. How will I be spending my time playing as a subbed player?

  2. #2


    Server choices today, and t4 gear is best in pve and pvp:

    1. Raids, 6 mans, or minigames on pve server.

    2. Raids, 6 mans, minigames, start crap in global and take to open world with your buddies, get ganked and get your buddies to ravge te ganker, gank people for pratice, destroy the person that stole your quest goals, learn to be faster by not keyboard turning, etc, etc ,etc, on pvp server.

    3. Play with 10 people on blood and gory server.

  3. #3


    If you're a PVE guy, you will spend a lot of time in Kithai with the faction and the 6 man. There's a lot of cool quest and dongeons (a LOT of 6 man to do). So both solo and group stuff.

    Plus, you will have access to new raid, both in Old World and Kithai.

  4. #4


    People say the game starts at level 80 because the lvl 80 content is much more dense and wide than at lower level.

    That does not mean the game pre lvl 80 is empty or bad. I for one would say the game pre 80 is awesome and definitely huge.

    That being said, once you reach lvl 80, you have in front of you distincts area which you can progress through :

    PvP : learning curve extremely steep, requires developed characters in terms of gear and skill/knowledge to perform. Takes lots of investment in terms of time and dedication.

    PvE solo : many factions in khitai, main story line very long, it ends (for now) at the Entity, the last boss in T4 instance, the Jade Citadel.

    Crafting : soon to be revamped, but there are quite an insane amount of recipes to collect if that's your thing.

    PvE group (6 players) :
    - lvl 1 - 79 : 6 group instances
    - lvl 80 :
    > there are the old world ones, such as Atzel's fortress, some of those having also hard modes or unchained modes (different levels of difficulty), with Onyx and House of Crom being ehug open instances with multiple groups allowed inside at the same time. Around 10.
    > then there are instances from Khitai, Dragon spine and Turan, most of those with a normal mode and a hard mode. Around 20 instances.

    PvE raid (24 players) :
    - T1 : 3 instances (1 with 2 bosses)
    - T2 : 3 instances with 9 bosses total
    - T3 : 1 instance with 6 bosses
    - T3.5 : 3 bosses
    - T4 : 6 bosses + 4 wannabe bosses
    - The Lurker in the house of Crom : 1 boss

    That's just a quick sum up, the game at lvl 80 offers a lot, and i am quite envious at the new players who get to start the game now, without imagining one second how incredibly deep and wide is the world they just stepped in.

    So yes, sub, definitely.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by marzatplay View Post
    I played AoC back when it launched. I went back for ROTGS expansion and recently came back to the F2P option and find it VERY restrictive compared to what a sub offers.

    I never made it to lvl 80 with any toon before. I keep hearing that the game actually starts at lvl 80. My question then is what exactly is there to do at lvl 80 since the game "starts" there. How will I be spending my time playing as a subbed player?
    When the game 'starts'....
    Like others have said if you're into PVE & grinding for gear then the game has lots of content at lvl 80.

    If you're more into PvP then the game 'starts' on Tortage (on Rage), and Fury after you get off 'noob island'.

    Some of the more avid lvl 80 pvpers will say the game starts at 80 because they want more players to pvp @lvl80.
    Last edited by Tecata; 15th November 2013 at 17:25.

  6. #6


    I only play for whitesands pvp on Rage these days.

    I'm just marking time until unchained mini's come out. I really don't have any interest in raiding or doing the khitai grind.

    Lots of people exploit or hack for their gear anyway.

    But to be honest, there isn't much going on. Funcom talks about all the stuff they're going to be doing, but it takes FOREVER for any of it to get completed.
    Last edited by Picklejuice1; 16th November 2013 at 19:06.

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