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Thread: Trayvon Martin VS Zimmerman

  1. #1

    Default Trayvon Martin VS Zimmerman

    I was personally happy to see Zimmerman acquitted. As someone who watched most of the court case, I felt there just wasn't enough evidence to convict.

    I think a lot of people are growing tired of the African American Community pulling the race card on almost every issue.

  2. #2


    I think that was horrible thing. ****ing racist country. Thank goodness im not living near of that place

    And i am white person, so im not saying this as a black person

    Also i hope everything good for Snowden and Assange

    Last time when i said something similar about world war 2 i was banned for using common sense, ban incoming
    Last edited by darknessjw; 20th July 2013 at 16:31.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by darknessjw View Post
    I think that was horrible thing. ****ing racist country.
    No doubt racial profiling was involved.

    However, I find it odd that no one mentions all of the black on black homicides in Chicago and other inner-city areas. That goes unreported. These "civil rights leaders" have to stay relevant and make money, so they stir the pot.

    Annually 8,000 African Americans are murdered every year, want to know who they're killed by? 93% of the victims were murdered by other African Americans.
    Last edited by bladester22; 20th July 2013 at 16:35.

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