Summary: Get Red Shadows of Xotli ASAP, especially if Avatar spec. (What's RSoX do?) Prince of Terror and other end AA feats are good but more situational.
Recommended General feats:
- *Decisive Strikes
- *Pressing Strikes
- Chromatic Warding (PVP or very early or very high-end PVE)
- Field of War (PVP)
- Any of the protection feats (heavy Phoenix Cloak users note: HoXes are vulnerable to cold while PC is on)
Recommended Mage feats:
- *Will of the Sublime
- Unbinding Charm (useful or required for some dungeons)
- Ethereal Escape (critical if PVP)
- Then choose based on playstyle.
Recommended Herald of Xotli feats:
- *Red Shadows of Xotli
- Then choose based on playstyle (see Pekka's post below for more detail on HoX-specific feats).
- You need to purchase 10 AA ranks to start the timer on RSoX. The cheapest way to get 10 ranks is just to buy the first rank or two of 5-10 AA feats. But remember: Some (not all) AA feats require a perk to be slotted in your AA bar before they can be used. So don't waste points in a feat if you're never going to slot it.
- Remember that you can spend points to finish a timer early.
- Remember that Expertise can be purchased from the item store (Phials of Tranquility).
- If you do not PVP, then the only way to purchase feats that require Prowess (the feats in the right and middle columns) is time-training or Expertise points. Therefore, consider saving your Expertise points for Prowess feats.