Chapter 5 : MATURING
Story 1 : Dancing Words
His past burdens where long now closed in a chest in his house.He had returned to the simple labour life and was not ashamed of it at all.He even started making his first stable acquaintances that would color his evenings.
Kalanthes his familiar priest from past days was nowhere to be seen although he continued to check on his house every other day.
He remembered the first time he entered the Royal Library just curious to see where Kalanthes was passing most of his life.The floor was entrusted to the famous Border Kingdom marbles crafted in squares depicting scenes of Aquilonia s every day life.The selves divided the large main room into a labyrinth of corridors more scary to Ramanli than the sewers below Old Tarantia.The wooden selves that rested the uncountable volumes of human knowledge climbed up the ground like the branches of a massive tree to the ceiling where there was a magnificent depiction of a phoenix, symbol of the defender god of Aquilonia Mitra.
He started to spend more and more time in the library especially enjoying the books that described Khitai soils and inhabitants with stories suffocated in superstition and ignorance from the famous writers of the kingdom.
One day as he was leaving the Library his interest was caught by an old beggar sitting at the end of the stairs of the magnificant building. The beggar probably intoxicated by some cheap alcohol was outering syllabes entertaining a small crowd gathered close to his feet.
He approached with the purpose of sharing a portion of his copper to this strange soul.
The beggar had grey hair dinched in a mysterious oily substance, his face was scarred from the weather ,time and some parasites maybe. His open singing mouth hosted only a few teeth that struggled to win over gravity and stay attached to his discolored gum.His fingers although dirty were slim and moved gracefully ,accompanying the dance of his words.
As he reached to rest a coin before the old man , the beggar turned to him with arms uprising
‘I shatter your pulse cage with deadly art
I gaze and taste your spitted heart’
‘Excuse me?’ Ramanli answered surprised
‘Haha you cannot hide from me in your elusive work outfit……warrior!’ the beggar said with a triumphant tone
‘Oh yes…you got me there’ said Ramanli with a smile , moving away towards the road
‘But please stay have a game of Battle Circle with me’ came back the beggar
Ramanli had overlooked the wooden board in front of the man , consinsting of three homocentrous circles , that formed a snaily path to the center .Some carved small figures were placed in the three rows of squares between the circles depicting a defender army and an aggressor one.
‘Welcome to my famous Battle Circle game’ said the beggar as he started explaining Ramanli the pattern of moves of the figures , their attack capabilities and the rules of engagement.
‘So as you can see although it’s a game with dices its not depending on luck’ continue the beggar after his long explaining of the rules that made the sun go sleepy.
‘The one that stays last on the center wins the fight…..and that’s usually me’ said laughing the teeth-less one
‘But I m so rude ….allow me to introduce myself…..Laertius the unluckiest basta** from Corinthia, master of distichs and lover of fruits….at your service warrior’ he standed up and bowed before Ramanli
‘You sure know how to attract customers..or should I say victims?’ said Ramanli looking at the suspicious wooden board in front of him
‘It’s a game of mind, for spare time to fill
A loser in here is the one with no will’
'Spare time or empty pockets i wonder' thought Ramanli but decided to play along with this strange guy for the time being.
The first games flowed in a training manner so Ramanli was not annoyed that he constantly heared the winning phrase ‘ And I have the center’ over and over again.
He enjoyed his time with the old beggar but the night had fallen heavy on his eye-brows so he kindly thanked the man for the fun hours his spent and he stood up to start his way home.
‘I bid your Eastern soul, an honest farewell
Next time you here bring copper as well’ the old beggar bursted into laughs
‘Crazy old f*** ‘ thought Ramanli as he closed his eyes
He started dividing his evenings between the library and his new friend. They shared their tales with a daring sum of honesty for an infant relationship.Ramanli told him about his family exile,about his mother and his old teacher.Laertius told him about his rich life in Corinthia that was destroyed by his pation of dices, his immigration to Aquilonia and some of the events that led him to poverty.In between their lengthy talks ofcourse Ramanli kept hearing the awkward now phrase from the beggar:
‘And I have the center…again’ that ofcourse now meant not only embarasement but dipparting with some coins as well
‘You know I ve spent time in Prison Colony warrior?’ the beggar told Ramanli one evening
‘The notorious facility of justice?’ ask with interest Ramanli
‘Well you can called it that..i presume, although now due to some gormless advisors King Conan have they putting there minor offenders next to rapists,cut-throats ,traitor and pedophils’
‘What was your crime Laertius?’
‘Well I ..stole an apple’ answered innocently the beggar
‘Only that?’ persisted Ramanli with a witty look
‘And I ehhh ..knockback the proprietor of the apple so to speak…but I was in self defence you see’
‘Only that?’ Ramanli was ready to break in laughs
‘And I ehhhhh.. bite the ear of a guard trying to arrest me’ said the beggar
‘Only that?’ Ramanli answered trying so much not to collapse in tears from the bust a gut he had
‘And I farted on the judge when he asked me if im innocent or guilty….but you see that was a bad bowel call from some rotten raspberries I had the same morning’ continue the beggar in a calm tone not influenced by Ramanlis fall to the ground laughing.
‘And by the way I have your center once more’ Laertius concluded
‘Bollocks’ Ramanli said trying to recover from his hysterical condition
It was the happiest days he had spent in Aquilonia so far, he became a stable company to the beggar who earned his food with his board game and the poets he was ordered to deliver to potential lovers or the ones who wanted to flannel an official of the court.
‘If you had 5 minutes to live only ,what will you choose?’ asked Ramanli over a game of Battle Circle
‘Meeting with your best friends,making love to a lady,or eating your most loved food?’
‘Well …can I do them all?’ answered Laertius
‘Well I don’t have a problem if my best friends see me hoping a beautiful misses while I eat rasberries of her belly’ came back Laertius leaving Ramanli speechless for a while.
‘I want to thank you for bestowing some of your thirst of life to me ‘ Ramanli said after a small break
Laertius raised his sight and blinked in reception.
Ramanli stood up determined to proceed to something he was thinking a lot of time the past months.
‘I have the arena master to visit for some past due dealings , will you lend me an appropriate distich?’ Ramanli asked Laertius
‘I have a distich for you my friend,and you only’ said Laertius
‘The flowers on my grave, a kind deed
the turn of your life , will find me agreed’
‘Thank you very much’ Ramanli said to the beggar understanding the meanings of his dancing words.
‘Oh and by the way….look I have the center’
‘Curses!!!!!’ Laertius yelled laughing.
Chapter 5 : Maturing
Story 2 : Virtues of a Dragon – a) Crumple your pride
The arena master s desk was stationed next to the southern arc of the Bridge of Vilerrus that led to the noble district of Old Tarantia.
It was a busy space that harbored ambition, hope and memories of blood spilled aplenty.
The arena master s face shadowed in the view of our eastern fighter the only so far that had survived the onslaught of the arena.
“I m coming for a late compensation” Ramanli told the startled man
“I m pretty sure you remember my face” concluded
The arena master was a medium-sized restless man , with a dark origin from Kheshatta . Rumours had it he was an ex champion of the notorious arena fights in Khemi
After the first few seconds of surprise the man told Ramanli.
“Well strictly speaking you did not killed your last adversary” the words flew over cautiously from his mouth
“But as I m a man that has learn to spot great opportunities I can get you in touch with Arestinius” he got up and waved Ramanli to follow him
Walking besides the rich villas of the noble districts with the colorful gardens and the more colorful inhabitants was a sight so strange to Ramanlis humble uprising.It seems that life in this area mocked life just a few hundred meters away.
As they were passing through this other form of existence so alien to Ramanli the arena master was explaining him the structure and purposes of the royal guards called “The Dragons” or as they were known in the streets “Black Dragons”
The training camp was in a receding site from the rich inhabitants nirvana so that the cries of agony and pain from the hard exert of the initiates didn’t interfered with the liveness of the flora in their gardens or their lukulian meals.
As they reached the entrance of the camp the arena master signalled Ramanli to stand still as he was going to have a talk with Arestinius the Dragon in charge of the training program of the initiates.
The camp had a pentagon shape with its walls reaching 10 feets high nursering a humble garden of its own with ivies, daisies, chrysanthemums and rabbitbush.
The camp itself at least from what Ramanli could glimpse at was a barren field of dirt and stones naked to the weather habbits.An obstacle course was the only material of the ground.There was a primitive hut at the west wall that he would later find out it was their version of an infirmary, with a old veteran Dragon offering his expertise, from the collection of his own wounds through time, with the help of some herbs and basic instruments of hemorrhage control. At the far end there was a wooden building that homed the officer in charge with his few trainers. The wannabe s Dragons after the day’s torture were to return to their homes and return again the next day if their will was enduring some more punishement. The training was hard,it involved many “extracurricullum” activities as the trainers choose to call them , and at the end of the month the names written on the billboard by the entrance were seldom more than two. These names would had a chance for the final test granded to them by King Conan the mighty himself.
After some minutes he could see the figures of two man approaching following by four respected-sized warriors. The warriors separated from the company of the two along the centre of the camp after some words exchange.
The arena master passed by Ramanli with a nod of sympathy , and before him stood Arestinius, the Dragon in charge of “the education” as the Dragons themselves called the inhuman training program.
Arestinius was a figure that definitely transfused respect to his surroundings. He had long blonde hair caught in a knot behind his neck. His forehead had a slight tilt forward as it descented to meet a pair of eyes colored as an angry sea under a heavy cloud meeting. His moves were slow but firm under the humble leather tunic he wore accompanied by a pair of padsoles choken on the dirt of the arena.
“Are you determined to put your name in the list ?” he asked Ramanli without even introducing himself
Our warrior took the chulk and put his name along the others in need of “education”
“Follow me then” said Arestinius and walked himself by the center of the camp with Ramanli at his footstep
Arestinius stopped and look the tired group of people around him that took a chance for a deep breath at the sight of the newcomer
Ramanli could sense the second thoughts flying over the heads of the beaten up soon to be his brothers in arms. Second thoughts of desertion that were only driven away by the magnitude of humiliation they would endure if they returned home without the black-feathered helm of the Dragon embellishing their heads.
“My fellow Dragons please bestow his pride a proper welcome!” Arestinius shouted and disappeared in his hut.
The four earthly giants droped their weapons and start walking around our still warrior ,like wolfes surrounding a sheep
The silence that suddenly creeped in the camp have made Ramanli ‘s senses awaken from their deep slumber and remind him the first time as a child that fought a poisonous snake just outside pin-pin with a stick as his only weapon.
For a few minutes the shape of the warriors casted an unwelcoming shadow on Ramanli as they were circumstribing him,in breaths distance.
“ Arestinius should be mad….too much rum in his room lately”
“Yey I agree , rum and rotten wine”
“Look at him , just look at him”
“ You mean …bend and look at him”
“Im pretty sure he thinks a sword is for cleaning your teeth after a roasted chicken”
“Pretty sure brother , pretty sure …although this one is too skiny , can he even raise a sword?”
“Skiny and so …. aery like .. hey you know the tales with the ugly Vanaheim witches north in the woods past Eiglophians?”
“Sure mate , I even saw once one in the flesh and I can assure you this one is even uglier than those”
At first Ramanli was struggling to locate the mouth that was speaking the insults but soon he gave up.
His vision became blurry , his fists closed , his mouth trembled ,his teeth angered , and his ears bled by the wordly spears that were violating his mind.
“Hey Arestinius do you think the loyal blacksmith can build a baby Dragon chest for our new warrior to dress in?”
“Sure the order its on its way “ a voice from the hut emerged
“ Where do you think we will assign him if a war surfaces brothers?”
“Oh that’s easy with the women and childlen”
“F****** right with the children playing and keep them at ease”
“Hehe hurray …. he will play war pretty good with the siblings”
“When you enter a bar you eastern sh** do you order milk or that is too strong for you?”
“I ve heard that on the eastern countries they suck the milk straight from the goats breasts”
“Hey warrior…do you like supping a goat?”
“Do you think he skin is…. kind of yellow?”
“Yey like a vomit of rotten cheese”
“Maybe the mighty warrior is sick?”
“I bet he is …with the whores he is always f*****”
“Maybe he has painted himself what he thought the color of war is….lets find out if it comes off”
He was spitted and brushed with a dirty rag but he didn’t move.
“Where did you find this paint warrior,fine craftsmanship I must add, king Conan is interested in decorating his room …you could be useful there”
“Correct as a statue he could”
“He is not moving at all , is he alive ?”
“I wish its not a habbit of yours , is that happing on a battle too, not moving at all?”
“Hey your loving mother is not going to come to the rescue warrior? You hear?”
“His mother is preoccupied in the whorehouse earning his milk I think”
The last sentence hit him like a club from a yeti
His vision cleared, his fists opened, his mouth curved , his teeth emerged, his ears closed to the reality surrounded him.
He jumped to the one outering the word mother from his mouth.He was smashing his head against his face ,transforming the Dragon nose into a bleeding fountain
Soon he was immobilized by the four man and rooted to the ground.
“Throw him out” Arestinius yelled as he was running towards the fighting mass.
Ramanli was casted out of the camp after he received some good welcome beating.
As he stood fighting to earn his balance he turned and saw Arestinius laughing.
“You have some things to consider I perceive.”
“Training starts early on sunrise, don’t be late”
He thought that the night stars would put a burden on his heart.
They didn’t.
Ramanli had one of the most peaceful sleep in years.
Chapter 5 : MATURING
Story 2 : Virtues of a Dragon – b) The three E’s
Arestinius was the first one to come to the camp and last to leave every single day.It was an inspiration witnessing this accomplished Dragon always eager to perform his duty , even though his current assignement was far beyond of reaching his shelves that were populated with awards of bravery and heroism from king Conan himself.
As Ramanli passed by him every day for his “education” he couldn’t believe how his pride look wasn’t stained at all with even a modicum of boredom from his daily routine with some ignorant young souls thirsty of glory and achievement.
“Can I ask you one question?” Ramanli said one afternoon as he was leaving from the camp with bruises decorating his dusty skin.
“If it has one answer yes” Arestinius answered
“Does anyone pass the mother insult part of your welcoming?”
Arestinius loosened the firmness of his face muscles
“Yes at times some do, they don’t react to their mother being verbally molested”
“Then we cast them out of the camp. Noone can become a Dragon if he doesn’t react to his mother being insulted”
After a little pause he added
“You have to had some reference points in your life after all , don’t you?”
As Ramanli turned to leave passing the chulkboard with the diminishing list of names Arestinius asked him back
“I don’t think you have read the small line at the bottom of the board when you entered your name , did you?”
Ramanli actually haven’t notice the microscopic tail of words at the bottom of the board
“The trainees agree to not held responsible the Dragon order for the misfortune that may befall them this month during their education”
Ramanli smiled and said “I actually feel lucky for the current turn of the moon”
The misfortunes though were often visiting the camp and its inhabitants.
The “education” program has taken its name by the three E s the trainees were asked to master and were written at the walls of the infirmary suggesting the reason they were in bed with their ribs broken or their heads crushed.
Endurance, Evade, Execute were the words that haunted their ears as soon as they entered the camp every day, and the tests that were chosen to enforce them , were birthed in an inhuman, sadistic but brilliant mind.
Ramanli s will and body was put to the test at numerous occasion during that month and the icons of his struggle would become permanent subjects in his mental canvas.
The “iron snake pit” was a small square box of iron just 4 feet long on each side.Two enraged vipers were waiting there for the next unfortunate victim.The rules of engagement were pretty simple. Avoid the poisonous flicks of the snakes but not harm them at all ,in a dance that mocked death for 10 minutes.That was the longer 10 minutes of his life and the most suspensed dance he had endured.Other were not as lucky as him with their dance partners.
The “stork” was an outdoor activity that always put smiles on their trainers faces.
They would lead them to a fallen oak trunk that bridged the shores of a 30 feet waterfall whose waters were scuffling with a herd of pointing rocks far below the tree.The trainees had to stand on their one foot atop the trunk staring at the rocks below for about an hour. For sheer encouragement and for the sake of choise, the other foot on the air was tight with an iron sole that would nest 20 pointy ,rusted nails thirsty for a soft skin to spear.Those who couldn’t endure the minutes of standing like the bird itself had an unfortunate meeting of the nails with the bones on their feet that would pretty much end their dream of becoming a Dragon.A soldier that can cannot walk was not a soldier at all. Some due to over confidence met the rocks below.
The “Wall” was a test of endurance. The trainees were given a mace and asked to bring down a wall 1 foot thick without stopping pondering the persistent contruction.The “wall” was pretty stubborn though unlike the wrists of the contestants.The sound of the hits was ordered to be firm and constant, and at the first sing of withering the body that harbored the lazy arm would receive a whipping of courage.Ramanli s arm some nights continued tremblering beside him for hours , so he had to grasp it with his other arm just to ease its confusion.
“Needle in a haystack” tested their execution precision.The trainees were given a weapon of their choise,and had one of their arm strapped to their back.With their free arm they were ordered to strike their opponent who was always straffing behing a living barrier,that of the bodies of two other trainees. Ramanli never understood who was the needle and who was the haystack.
The month passed with a daily surprise for the initiates as if the humble looking camp was trying to impress them.Many fell during the constant workout and Ramanli was determined not to come close to any of them.He could endure the physical torment but he could not spare another lost friend.He was always alone in their few moments of rest and was struggling not to show his sorrow when a misfortune landed on another of his colleagues.
The evening of the last day of their training reached with a welcoming breath from the three young soldiers that were still standing as Arestinius approached them.
They would at least expect a kind word, a smile of approval , a blink of acceptance .
“Take these brooms and rugs and start clearing the camp , especially the blood ….i don’t like blood stains”Arestinius said
“Didn’t you hear me you maggots? Move your as***,do you expect king Conan tomorrow to come to this shithole?”
The night had walked with a fast pace when finally they put the last instruments of their torment away.
Ramanli turned to the black sky and felt like he was the in the center of the world.
He remembered a distich that Laertius used to say
“The sky of the day,the sky of the night
A mirror that reflects my steps, my souls only delight”
Chapter 5 : Maturing
Story 3 : Solem quis dicere falsum audeat
The first light of day found them standing in the middle of the camp waiting for the special quest.They were the three victorious applicants to a different life.
Arestinius was walking back and forth by the gate.It was the first time that Ramanli sensed his anxiety about the presentation of the new Black Dragons to the king.
Memories of the past were traveling with swiftness through Ramanlis mind , his first steps in Pin-Pin, the long afternoon talks with his teacher, the warm meals by his mother hands, the dark training with the lunatic figure, his first disappointments in old Tarantia, the meeting of love and pain, the people he was come close to.
He was deep in thoughts when the horns awaken him.A small squad of pride horses passed through the gate.
It was the first time that his eyes gazed upon the legendary king.He admitted later that his imagination failed him miserably.Before him was a man slightly higher than him , with his face marked by the passing of many autumns.He was wearing a modest blue striped tasset and a white silk shirt with only a mysterious medallion resting by his chest.He had long black hairs with small curls like the infant waves on the Khorotas at an angry day.His eyes although tired probably due to a recent feast emitted awareness and wisdom. By the side of his horse a large shield was reflecting the sun, decorated with a lions head.The king didn’t held any weapon.
The meeting with the king didn’t make him as happy as Kalanthes presence.The old priest was beside the king all times as they had a long talk with Arestinius before addressing the new members of the royal guards.
“Bow before the king” Arestinius said coming close to them
Conan stood in front of them with his wrists at his hips.
“I welcome your labor and accept your ambitions” his deep voice at least restored Ramanlis wounded depiction of the kings figure.
“Hyboria stands in the most critical crossroad of its history”
“The dangers that engulfs the kingdom have bred in herds and we need all the courageous hands we can master”
“You showed great determination and I expect you to continue evolving your abilities”
“Your journey starts now and I can assure you it will not be a walk in a spring garden”
“Rise now Cullhen” the king said and one of his colleagues stood up.
“I bestow you the helm of the Dragon to guide your decisions ….and protect your skull” said the king with a slight smile , making the other Dragons loosen their firm stand.
“Rise now Keltipis” the king said to the other one beside Ramanli
“I bestow you the helm of the Dragon to nest your will ….and reflect the hardest of hits”
Ramanli was facing the ground all this time with small drops of sweat watering the hot sand.He didnt move even when he heard the horses galloping away taking with them his two former colleagues.
“Rise now” Arestinius shouted at him
“The king awaits you in the hut”
“What now I wonder?” Ramanli s thoughts were again veiled by doubt and frustration.
The camp was empty and only a handful of Dragon were standing around the small hut that used to be Arestinius dwelling.
“Your path grows dark with twists and turns.My judgement is not at ease with you still in case you are wondering why the Dragon helmet is not at your head.” the king told Ramanli
“You have many virtues, you are an excellent fighter , your judgement is sharp and quick, you have ambition but also modesty but some distorted spores of your recent past keeps growing in you at this moment we are speaking.You react poor to authority and some times seems you hunt your own agenda.” the king continued looking at Kalanthes.
“Lets pose then a theoretical scenario shall we?”
“Lets assume you are my most beloved advisor, close to brother that is ,always next to my throne feeding me your wise opinions ,which I don’t always follow.A specific merchant guild displeasured in my behavior towards them has hired an assassin squad which has breached the palace defences. I now stand on my knees in the throne room with a dagger at my throat and you are faced with an option from the assasins themselves.Do you stay loyal to me and meet certain doom or you usurpare the throne in favor of their interest?”
Ramanli didn’t wait much for the answer.
“My king you asking me if I will stay loyal to you or to what you represent? My option is clear as I see this situation, your throat is cut, the throne is mine, the merchant guild hunted and exterminated, your wrong choices restored.”
Conan clearly didn’t expect that answer and a silent tension build up at the humble hut.
Kalanthes didn’t seem to be of guard in constrast with Arestinius who if possible would rip Ramanli s tongue off.
Before the tension transformed to aggressiveness Ramanli spoke
“Can I indulge you my king in a story of my own?” he said that with no pleading tone
“You may” Conan answered cautiously
“My old teacher Gun Hai told me once a story about a wise but over-confident farmer who had lands that could fill your eyesight and even beyond.He cultivated crops, vegetables and small trees and his harvest was constantly the talk of the neighbouring town.One morning he decided to plant two bamboo roots besides his house for decorative purposes.He didn’t have any prior experience to these exotic plants so he was kind of shocked as he saw the first year passed with no growing of the trees. He continued to care for them with the best manure and often watering but the years passed with no change.One winter morning of the fourth year angry and dismayed he started cursing the sun that he was dropping too weak its caress on his not thriving bamboos. The sun then furious at the farmers curses asked him if he wanted his rays to strengthen and the farmer answered affirmatively. The heat then of the angry sun became so strong that the crops on the fields caught fire and threaten to burn the farmers house and family which were spared at the final moment.He lost his harvest that year but he learned his lesson well.On the fifth year the bamboos finally growth as they were supposed to be.”
“My king everything atop this world has two or more aspects….the clouds, the animals , the wind, the trees,the sun and ofcourse us people..You cannot blame them for their properties only you need to acknowledged them as im sure you have acknowledged mine “
The king s silence took a more friendly shape.He noded to Arestinius who brought Ramanli a cloak folded in half.
Conan stood up and as he was leaving he told Ramanli
“This is the Dragon cloak , wear it among friends but hide it in enemy lands.This cloak marks your offering to the service of the Throne.”
“I wish the growing dangers of Stygia weights more on your soul than my own mistakes at ruling this kingdom. I ll meet you again young warrior, hopefully not in opposite riverbanks”
Chapter 6 : The road is the beginning – The road is the end
It was a sunny day when Ramanli saw the light of life on the road at the borders of Khitai.It was a sunny day when the road once again sprawled in front of him , waving him like a lustful female.He was holding at his hands a piece of paper that Kalanthes provided him.
“The dark malice from Stygia spreads like an infection.I ll have to move to Kheshatta hopefully undetected to organize the resistance. I ll meet you there if your heart desires to help. But this is no endeavor for a lonely soul. At this paper you can find settlements where other brave fighter work undercover for the service of the Throne. Meet with them , befriend them for the good of the movement. My thoughts and prayers will be with you my eastern friend” That were Kalanthes last words to Ramanli the evening before.
Ramanli turned to see the fading gates of Old Tarantia ….he then became a dot on the horizon with the Dragon cloak dancing at his back.
The End ( or maybe the beginning )
-The greed of Aelroth and Denmoth continued to made enemies.They were ambushed one day in Cimmeria and never did a bounty hunting again.
-Lucinda s father passed away one year after his daughter demise.He split his huge estates to his workers.Some of them continue to sold fruits and vegetables at the bench in Old Tarantia. They kept naming it Lucinda s bench
-The arena master continue to organize the event in old Tarantia but soon the quality of the participants fell miserably.He died of high fever in the age of 60.His son took over the arena fights.
-Laertius kept living under the same tree for winters and summers to come.His distichs were heard all over the capital and his board game brought him the coppers he needed for his humble living. One evening a furious merchant that kept loosing at the Battle Circle took a knife and claimed Laertius life.At his funeral there were only two people present. Ramanli learned of the event 5 months later when he was back to the capital . At his grave he offered his old friend a distich of his own :
Another flower in another grave will keep me deep in sorrow
Laertius your hearty smile can for a moment borrow?
Ramanli slaughtered the merchant that killed Laertius a few weeks later
-Arestinius continue for a while to train recruits for the Dragons but when the occasion risen he moved to Kheshatta for the final assault on Thoth Amon s stronghold.He then met with Ramanli again.This time Ramanli was greeted like an equal.
-After the incident with Thoth Amon Ramanli stayed for a while in Aquilonia but quickly became home-sick. He bid farewell to all of his friends and roamed the roads again. He bought a house in Pin-Pin , got married and had two children. There was a rumor that he had taken part in the fall of the former corrupted emperor but that is a different and maybe not so accurate story.
He died peacefully at the age of 78.His grave was next to his mother and old teacher graves.