Dawnsong kill - Igneous, Stone Coat and Brittle Back 11.1.2017
Dawnsong kill - Igneous, Stone Coat and Brittle Back 11.1.2017
Rogue Angels Guild Leader and Progression Raid Leader
Tmanku 80 Guard | Tmanil 80 ToS | Tmanosu 80 DT | Tmanbank 80 BS | Tmanfu 80 Demo | Tmanwu 80 Ranger | Tmanpope 80 PoM | Tmanpointy 80 Sin | Tmanbarb 80 Barb | Tmanfire 80 HoX | Tmannecro 80 Necro | Tmanblade 80 Conq | Tmanlite 80 Guard | Tmantosjr 80 Tos | Tmandemojr 80 Demo | Tmanthethird Saga Guard
Requiem Nex kills T6 Lotus Domination 15-Jan-2017
Requiem Nex Combat Monitor | Options not Saving temporary Fix
Can Devs please fix:
- new ressurections resetting the currently selected ressurect position
- loot timeout windows disappearing before progress bar completes when box hasn't been opened quickly
Wrath of Amra, Bloodfrenzy & friends kill T5 VistrixYou dont wanna know how long it took, but never give up, never surrender!
Oguzkagan(PoM) AKA Ogzu/Professional smite spammer..
Aetyus(Barb),Chokoprenses(Demo),Janissaryian(DT),S inokyo(Sin)
Shamanner(BS),Wrongziga(Hox),Bamsibeyrek(Conq),Tos pital(Tos),Aggromancer(Necro),Aggroholder(Guard)
GG, the next will not be easy too ^^.
Aess ~ Pom R10 / Rheizhyn ~ Hox R10 / Fraize ~ Barb R7 / Vilcyness ~ DT R3
Knights of Avalon killed the T6 Igneous, Stone Coat and Brittle Back last night (25th of January)
Screenshot of the dead Igneous included